Dashboard tabs

Views/tabs are the sub-division of DEX dashboard that contains the reports and widgets. Logged-in users can configure multiple views in a dashboard under the My Dashboard pane.

To create a view/tab, perform the following steps:

  1. On the Home screen select view icon located in the corner of the page
  2. Click the View Setting icon. You can access View Setting either by clicking at the center of the main screen or at the bottom right corner of the main menu bar. The View Setting screen appears.
  3. Available views in the selected dashboard appear in the Select View box.
  4. Users can add views to dashboards by selecting the desired dashboard and entering a new dashboard name through the aid of View.
  5. By clicking the New View button, they can generate new views. Additionally, users have the option to edit views by selecting the desired view.
  6. They can also reorder views by clicking the Reorder button, as depicted in the figure.
  7. After clicking Submit, a new view will be generated under the specified dashboard name.
  8. Available views within the selected dashboard are displayed in the Select View box.

To create a new view, users need to enter a name for the view, which will then be added to the "Select View" box. All available views within a dashboard are accessible through a tab on the main screen.