Exporting the graphs

User can export the entire widget on the home page along with the screen shot in the name of final Image.

When a user needs to see the raw data of the report, they can be able to see it by clicking the three dots option on the header of the widgets.

  1. Support for various formats: This feature allows the user to export reports in various formats, such as PPT, Excel, CSV, and PDF.
  • This raw data report has a Group by function where user can filter accordingly.

The following are the Export Types:

  • Excel
  • PDF
  • PPT

Steps to Export Report to Excel:

  1. Click the XLS icon in the dropdown list.
  1. Excel will download to User local.

Matters in Excel:

This can contain three tabs and follows the same order as 1. Report Description 2. Data part 3. Final Image

The report description has all the details related to that report.

  1. Name of the report
  1. Excel downloaded date.
  2. Chart type etc.
  3. The Data tab has all the data contained in the report.
  4. Final Image has the screenshot of widgets.

Steps to Export Report to PPT:

  • Click the PPT icon in the dropdown list.
  • PPT will be downloaded to user locally.

Matters in PPT:

  • Every PPT header has Report Name and downloaded date & time.
  • Data description will be presented on the first page.

Steps to Export Report To PDF:

  • Click the PDF icon in the dropdown list.
  • PDF will be downloaded to local.

Matters in PDF:

  • Every PDF header has Report Name and downloaded date time.

Data description will be presented on the first page. This is similar structure to the PPT.

  • If we are exporting PDF from homepage or widget or raw
  • The table formatting and header, rows and column formatting are done in CreatePDFDocument method.