Pre-requisites checker

The Pre-requisites checker page ensures that all the MyXalytic components configured data should pass to some validations to meet essential requirements for a smooth installation.

The following pre-requisites are examined:

  • Each row of prerequisite-checker provides information about the prerequisite component, the server, and their statuses.
    • Total Resource: number of prerequisites going to be checked
    • Success Request: number of prerequisites passed
    • Failed Request: number of prerequisites failed
  • In cases of success, the green right icon will be displayed, and in cases of failure, the red cross icon will be displayed.
  • In the event of a failed prerequisite, an informative tooltip is displayed, providing users with specific details about the error.
  • If all prerequisites are successfully validated, the Validate button transforms into a Next button, signaling that the server is ready for installation.
  • The service account should have the user's right to 'Log on as a service.'
Perform the following steps to run the prerequisite checker:
  1. Press Windows+R to open the Run window.
  2. Enter Secpol.msc into the Run window.
  3. Press Enter to launch the Local Security Policy Management Console.
  4. Go to Local Policies > User Rights Assignment.
  5. Right-click on the "Log on as a service" policy and select Properties.
  6. Click the Add User or Group button and enter the desired account name.
  7. Click OK.