LDAP integrations

This section provides information on how to configure your corporate Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) integration.

About this task

Perform the following steps to configure LDAP integration:


  1. Login with your admin credentials and go to Configuration > Data Collection > JobMaster.
  2. On the Job master page, click on create data source button to update the AD credentials.
  3. Search the Job data source with 'LDAP Source - Custom' and then click on the edit icon.
  4. Enter your API URL, such as <Domain Name> connection credentials, as mentioned in below example, and choose the adaptor as DEX Source.
    [{"InstanceUrl": "<Your Domain Name>", "Username": "<AD User Id>", "Password": "<AD password>", "EngagementId": "BC01", "EngagementName": "MTAAS"}]
     *<Your Domain Name> - enter your domain name
    *<AD User Id> - Enter AD user id or enter blank value “”
    *<AD Password> - Enter AD password or enter blank value “”
  5. Click Save.
  6. Search your job, __LDAP User List and click on the schedule job icon from Actions.
  7. Select the last updated date and time that you want to fetch data from, and choose the next run date as the current date and time.
    The job will start after 2 minutes.