Uninstalling BigFix DEX application

This section lists the steps to uninstall the MyXalytics components on BigFix DEX server and database server.

About this task

Perform the following steps to complete the uninstallation:


  1. Press Windows + R to open the Run dialog box.
  2. Type inetmgr and press Enter to open IIS (Internet Information Service).
  3. In the IIS Manager window:
    • Right-click on the EDS_200 site and click Remove to remove the site. The site is removed. You need to delete the application pools.
    • Select and click on the EDS_200 site (the EDS site name that was provided).
    • Right-click on the MyXalyticsApi site and click Remove to remove the site. The site is removed.
    • Select and click on the MyXalyticsApi site (the Web API site name that was provided).
    • Right-click on the MyXalyticsApp site and click Remove to remove the site. The site is removed.
    • Select and click on the MyXalyticsApp site (this is the WebApp application).
    • Click on the dropdown arrow next to the Sites.
    • Expand the MYXWIWBMYXT002 Home node.
  4. In the IIS Manager window:
    • Click on the Application Pools node.
    • Find and select the MyXalyticsApp in application pools (the Web APP site name that was provided).
    • Right-click on MyXalyticsApp application pool and click Delete to remove the application pools. The site is removed.
    • Find and select the MyXalyticsApi in application pools (the Web API site name you have given select that one).
    • Right-click on MyXalyticsApi application pool and click Delete to remove the application pools. The site is removed.
    • Find and select the EDS_200 in application pools (the EDS site name that was provided).
    • Right-click on EDS_200 application pool and click Delete to remove the application pools. The site is removed. After this, remove the certificates that were created by the installer during installation.
  5. Press Windows + R to open the Run dialog box.
  6. Type mmc and press Enter to open the Microsoft Management Console (MMC).
    • In the User Account Control popup, click on Yes.
    • In the MMC window, click on File on top right side and click on Add/Remove Snap-ins.
    • In the Add/Remove Snap-ins window.
    • Navigate to Certificates and click on Add certificates snap-in. Certificates snap-in window appears.
    • Select Computer account. Select Computer window appears.
    • Select Local computer and click Finish.
    • In the Selected snap-ins your local computer certificates are added.
    • Click OK.
    • In the mmc console window, under Console Root, the Certificates (Local Computer) are added.
    • Expand or double clickCertificates. The personal, Trusted Root Certificate Authorities, and other files are shown:
      • Expand the Personal Folder and to view the certificates folder.
      • Click on Certificates and search for MX_EDS_CERT_Client and MX_EDS_CERT_Server.
      • Right-click on MX_EDS_CERT_Client and click Delete to remove the certificate.
      • Right-click on MX_EDS_CERT_Server and click Delete to remove the certificate.
      • Expand Trusted Root Certificate Authorities folder and you can find Certificates folder.
      • Right-click on MX_EDS_CERT_Server and click Delete to remove the certificate.
      • Right-click on MX_EDS_CERT_Server and click Delete to remove the certificate.
      The next step is to remove the databases.
  7. Open the database management tool (SQL Server Management Studio) and connect to the database server.
  8. In the database management tool:
    • Confirm the deletion when it prompts and select the Delete backup and restore history information for databases and Close existing connections checkboxes and then click on OK. The database is deleted.
    • Right-click on MX_DMEConfig databases and select the Delete option from the context menu. The database names is DMEConfig as set during the time of creation.
    • Confirm the deletion when it prompts and select the Delete backup and restore history information for databases and Close existing connections checkboxes and then click OK.
    • Right-click on MX_BL_MYDB_VR02_INST_200 databases and select the Delete option from the context menu.
    • Confirm the deletion when it prompts and select the Delete backup and restore history information for databases and Close existing connections checkboxes and then click OK. The database is deleted. The next steps is to remove the services.
    • Press Window+R and enter services.msc in the command prompt. The Services section appears.
    • Verify if the service name appears as entered during the installation.
    • Right-click and verify the service names and view select the service name.
    • Open the command prompt and run sc.exe as an administrator and delete <servicename>.
    • Press enter to delete the service.
    • To delete the folder created by the installer .exe during new installation, go to the installation path provided during installation procedure, for example, C:\DEX24Mar.
    • Right-click to delete the installer zip folder.
    • Delete the temp files from your system.
    • Select all the folders by pressing (Ctrl+A), press (Shift + Delete) and click Yes button. The binaries are removed.
    • To update the source database name, run the below query in the DME database:
      DECLARE @NewDBName VARCHAR(1000)='BFInsights.dex.'
      DECLARE @CustomerName VARCHAR(1000)='HCL'
      UPDATE SourceTable SET SourceQuery=REPLACE(REPLACE(sourcequery,'@DBName=''BFInsights.dex.''',
      '@DBName='''+@NewDBName+''''),'@Customer=''HCL''','@Customer='''+@CustomerName+'''') where TableName like 
      '%DEX%' and vcTableId like 'C%'