Selecting the components

The Component Selection page is the main page that allows you to navigate across different sections from where you can select the required components to install and configure MyXalytics as required.

The Component Selection pages include the following components and their subcomponents:
  • Subcomponents: Database, Web API, Web app
  • Load Balancing Functionality: Web API and Web app include a load-balanced option, accommodating multiple instances.
EDS (Encryption Decryption Service)
  • Subcomponents: Database, Web API
  • Load Balancing Functionality: Web API includes a load-balanced option, accommodating multiple instances.
DME (Data Mining Engine)
  • Subcomponents: Database, Service configuration
  • Multi-Agent options: Service configuration supports multi-agent setup, ideal for scenarios with multiple instances.
Multi-Agent options: Service configuration with a checkbox for multi-agent, accommodating multiple instances.
Multi-Agent options: Service configuration with a checkbox for multi-agent, accommodating multiple instances.
The Integrations section allows users to select corresponding checkboxes. Each database is accompanied by a text box, providing the option to specify the number of instances required for that database. This feature includes diverse integration scenarios, allowing users to configure the number of instances independently.
Component Selection page has validations to ensure a coherent and well-configured setup.
Integration database selection
  • The users are required to select at least one integration database before proceeding to the next page.
  • The number of instances in the selected database should range from 1 to 5.
Load Balanced and Multi-Agent Instances
  • If the user configures load balancing for web apps or API, you can choose up to five instances.
  • If the user configures multi-agent instances for services, you can choose up to five instances.
  • All fields marked with an asterisk (*) are mandatory.
  • Clicking Next on the screen will save the data and allows you to proceed further.
  • Clicking the Validate button to validate the form as per the validation mentioned in the validation section.
  • Clicking the Test Connection button validates the credentials.