Fields across the Component Selection subcomponents

The section includes the names and values of fields available across the components and subcomponents of the Component Selection page.

The following fields are available:

  • Host Name: The BigFix DEX database server address on which the MyXalytics Core MYDB database is created.
  • HTTPS: The HTTPs protocol on DEX application server to configure Web APP site.
  • Database Instance Name: A text box allows users to specify the instance name associated with the database, if applicable.
  • Site Name: The name used for Web APP site name and application pool in IIS.
  • Account Type: A dropdown menu offering flexibility in account configuration. Options include:
    • Service Account: To run the service with a specified service account.
    • Local Account: To use a local system account for service execution.
  • Authentication: A dropdown menu allows users to choose between Windows authentication and SQL Server authentication for database access. If Windows authentication is selected, a text box for domain is enabled.
  • Domain: The users specify the domain associated with the user account for Windows authentication.
  • User ID: Textboxes for securely entering authentication credentials. The user ID which is used to establish the connectivity to BigFix DEX application server.
  • Password: The password associated with the provided user ID.
  • Domain: If using a service account, users provide the domain associated with the account for proper authentication.
  • Database Name: Two choices are available: New and Existing Database. If the user wants to create a new database, option New must be selected and a databse name to be provided in the required text box. In case of existing database, the option Existing Databases to be selected and the user must validate the database details by clicking on Test Connection Button which if successful, results in populating the choices with the list of existing databases.
  • Installation Path: Path on which executable code needs to be placed.
  • Port: Port number that needs to be associated with Web APP site to configure the port for the database connection.

SPTM configurations

The following are the different fields required to configure SMTP:

  • From (Sender ID): Email address of the user from which emails are sent.
  • To (Receiver ID):Email address of the user to which system notifications or messages are directed.
  • SMTP Server: Server address associated with the SMTP service, ensuring accurate routing.
  • User ID: The unique user identification linked to the SMTP server for authentication.
  • Password: The associated password, securely entered to authenticate with the SMTP server.
  • Port: Port configured for SMTP communication, defining the communication channel.
  • Enable SSL: A checkbox provides users with the option to enable Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) for enhanced security during communication. When checked, it indicates the use of SSL to encrypt the communication between the application and the SMTP server.
  • Name: The administrator’s name.
  • Email: Email address associated with the administrator account.
  • Password: Initial password for the admin account.
  • Confirm Password: A confirmation text box to ensure accuracy in the password entry. Super admin password is same as DEX admin password configuring on this page.

Installations page

The installation page shows the details of component type, site/service/database name, server name on which site/service/database is deployed and loader/status for that item.
  • Each panel corresponds to a specific component and subcomponent with the given sitename, ensuring a modular and organized installation process.
  • A loader prominently displays success or failure status after each component installation. This provides immediate feedback to users, confirming the successful deployment of a component or if an error occurred.
  • While installation is in progress, detailed logs are generated in a black screen. These logs serve as a comprehensive record of the installation process.
  • In the event of a failure during component installation, a tooltip appears, offering specific details about the encountered error.

Multi-instance scenario

  • The number of instances is determined by the user’s selection on the component selection page, streamlining the setup process for multiple instances.
  • In the load balancer name at the top, the user should enter the DEX application server name (hostname or IP) on which the load balancer has been configured.
  • Configuring instances of the user that ensures that the port and site name are unique with respect to hostnames (BigFix DEX application server) across all instances to prevent conflicts.
  • A comprehensive and user-friendly interface for configuring distinct instances, enhancing flexibility, and accommodating diverse deployment requirements.


Validations to ensure a coherent and well-configured setup.

The following are the validations applicable:
  • Port and Sitename: Users configuring the instances must ensure that the port and site name are unique with respect to hostnames across all instances to prevent conflicts.
  • Installation Path: The installation path specified for an instance must be on a proper and accessible drive. The system verifies if the drive exists, and it creates the directory. Throws a validation message if the drive does not exist.
  • HTTPS Configuration: In the multi-instance scenario, if one instance has HTTPS configured, then it is applied to all instances. The HTTPS configuration for an instance is not mandatory.
  • Service Name and Service Display Name: Users configuring services must ensure that the service name is unique with respect to hostname across all service configuration pages to prevent conflicts. The same applies for service display names.