Create a New Job

  1. In the Scheduler page, click the Create button on the top right of the screen.
Figure 1. Figure 224 – Create new Scheduled Job
  1. The Create Job page appears.
Figure 2. Figure 225  Create Job Page
  1. Populate the following information for a new job:
  • Job Name: Provide the Job Name in this field.
  • Action: Select the Openwhisk function name in the Action dropdown box.
  • JSON Payload: Enter the JSON payload in this field.

All the fields above are mandatory. Failing to populate them results in an error message.

  1. Click the Create button at the bottom of that page.
  2. Once the job is created the following success message appears:
Figure 3. Figure 226  Create Job - Success Message
  1. Click OK. This redirects you to the list page containing the newly created Job.