Build Query

You can ask for a query for a particular collection by following the below steps:

  1. Click on BUILD QUERY on the collection to ask a query for that particular collection.
Figure 1. Figure 164 – Build Query
  1. The following screen appears:
    Figure 2. Figure 165 – Build Query (Cont.)
  2. Total Number of Documents in Collection displays the total count of the documents in the collection.
    1. Click on the Document button to upload the document of a particular choice.
    Figure 3. Figure 166 - Build Query (Cont.)
  3. The following screen appears and prompt to upload the document.
Figure 4. Figure 167 – Build Query (Cont.)
  1. Browse for the document that you want to upload and then click Upload. The three supported Formats are DOCX, PDF and HTML.
Figure 5. Figure 168 – Build Query (Cont.)
  1. Once the document is uploaded, the count of the Total number of document in the collection is increased.
  2. User can query in following two ways: -
  • Use Natural Language
  • Use The Query Language
  • USE NATURAL LANQUAGE: - User can query in a normal way as a layman can do. Just write a query for which you want to specifically search. The more specific the query, the more targeted the results.
  1. Select the option Use Natural Language. Write the specific query in the Search for Documents field.
Figure 6. Figure 169 – Build Query (Cont.)
  1. Click on More Options for advanced settings of the query. The following screen appears:
Figure 7. Figure 170 – Build Query (Cont.)
  1. By default, it is selected to ALL but User can switch the toggle button to Specify as well.
  2. As soon as user chooses the Specify option, a dropdown appears that enables users to select specific details.
Figure 8. Figure 171 – Build Query (Cont.)
  1. Click on the dropdown and you can see the list of available options.
Figure 9. Figure 172 – Build Query (Cont.)
  1. Select any of the boxes as per your choice.
  2. Populate the following fields:
  • Number of documents to return: min 1 and max 9999
  • Number of query results to skip at the beginning
Figure 10. Figure 173 – Build Query (Cont.)
  1. Click Submit to get the result. The following screen appears. By default, the QNA tab is selected.g
  • QNA: Shows the topmost result and the answer score.
Figure 11. Figure 174 – Build Query (Cont.)
  • Summary: shows the files as per the number of counts selected in the query. BigFix AEX Livestation Attachment BigFix AEX Livestation Attachment
Figure 12. Figure 175 – Build Query (Cont.)
  • You can delete the file by clicking on the delete icon corresponding to the file to be deleted.
  • JSON: This tab shows the content of the file.
Figure 13. Figure 176 – Build Query (Cont.)
  • USE THE QUERY LANGUAGE: In this method, the user can write the particular syntax for the specific query by clicking on the icon as shown in the figure.
Figure 14. Figure 177 – Build Query (Cont.)
  1. Click on the icon. It shows the query examples to query the syntax.
Figure 15. Figure 178 – Build Query (Cont.)
  1. Enter a query in the field as per the requirement. You can type simple text as well.
Figure 16. Figure 179 – Build Query (Cont.)
  1. The More Options are same as used in the Natural Language Query method.
  2. Click Submit to get the result.
Figure 17. Figure 180 – Build Query (Cont.)
  1. By clicking on the Train button, users can train the queries called as pre-trained queries.
Figure 18. Figure 181 – Build Query (Cont.)
  1. A side navigation panel slides in allows the user to write the query.
Figure 19. Figure 182 – Build Query (Cont.)
  1. Click on the ADD to add the query in the pertained list.
Figure 20. Figure 183 – build Query (Cont.)
  1. Click on Rate Results button to see the files that are associated with a particular query.
  2. Click on the delete icon to delete the query.