Add New Collection BigFix AEX & SNOW Virtual Assistant Connector

A collection is a set of documents which are ingested by the knowledge engine from which BigFix AEX can provide results when a user query utilizes KMS capabilities.

To add New Collection,

  1. Click on the COLLECTION button to create a new collection.
Figure 1. Figure 158 - Add New Collection
  1. The following screen appears and prompt to provide the Collection Name and the Collection Description.
Figure 2. Figure 159 – Add New Collection (Cont.)
  1. Enter the Collection Name and Description. The ADD button gets enabled. Click Add to add a new collection in the list.
Figure 3. Figure 160 – Add New Collection (Cont.)

There are many services available in the WDS. Only the standard services or plans are used in the console. And as per the Standard plan utmost 4 collection can be added. After that it will show you the error message.

Figure 4. Figure 161 – Add New Collection – Error Message