Managed Google Play Accounts enterprise

Learn how enrolling to Managed Google Play Accounts facilitates you to manage your Android devices through BigFix Mobile.

Enroll to Managed Google Play Accounts enterprise is a one-time activity that binds your organization with BigFix Mobile. It allows managed Google Play to manage Android devices enrolled to BigFix Mobile by rolling out policies and distributing apps. BigFix Mobile assigns a unique service account to your enterprise, and uses this service account to access Google Android Management Service to manage the devices. Through this unique service account, BigFix Mobile tracks the services consumed by your organization.

Once the Managed Google Play Account for an enterprise is created, when devices are provisioned, Managed Google Play Accounts for user are automatically created by default. Apps can be distributed to the enrolled Android devices through Appstore App Policy or custom policies uploaded through WebUI.

Apps can be managed as follows:

  • IT admins can silently provision enterprise user accounts, called managed Google Play accounts. These accounts identify managed users and allow unique, per-user app distribution rules.

BigFix Mobile implements Google's APIs at scale, avoiding traffic patterns that could negatively impact customers' ability to manage apps in production environments.