Testing manually

9.2.22 Available from 9.2.2. You can test the extended signatures that you create by using a BigFix client that is installed on the platform for which a signature is defined.


  1. Prepare a test catalog file that contains only the signature that you want to verify and the name the file extended_signature_test.xml.
    The following example shows a test catalog file. It consists of three main parts: the header, the body and the footer. The body, which is in bold, is formatted basing on the available signature templates. For the full list, see: Extended signature templates.
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
       <Signature guid="EXTENDED SIGNATURE TEST" name="EXTENDED SIGNATURE TEST" type="OtherSignature">                 
         <!-- SIGANTURE BODY START -->
          <Variable name="IS_INSTALLED" export="true">
          <RegKeyExists key="HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\" section="64or32"/>
          <!-- SIGANTURE BODY END -->                 
  2. Add a scanner location to the environment variables by running the following command:
    • AIX
                                  export LIBPATH
    • HP-UX
                                  export SHLIB_PATH
    • Linux Solaris
                                  export LD_LIBRARY_PATH
    • Windows systems
      set Path=C:\Program Files\Tivoli\cit\bin;%Path%
  3. Reset the file system scanner by running the following command:
    • Unix systems /opt/tivoli/cit/bin/wscanfs -reset
    • Windows systems "C:\Program Files\Tivoli\cit\bin\wscanfs.exe" -reset
  4. Run a scan by using the test catalog file.
    • Unix systems /opt/tivoli/cit/bin/wscansw -i extended_signature_test.xml -o output.xml -e warning.xml
    • Windows systems "C:\Program Files\Tivoli\cit\bin\wscansw.exe" -i extended_signature_test.xml -o output.xml -e warning.xml
  5. Review the output.xml and warning.xml files.
    1. In output.xml, ensure that the MatchedSignature element is returned for every matching instance. If no instance is found, there are no MatchedSignature elements in the file.
      <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
                                  <MatchedSignature guid="EXTENDED SIGNATURE TEST" name="EXTENDED SIGNATURE TEST" type="OtherSignature">
                                  <Variable name="IS_INSTALLED" value="true"/>
    2. Ensure that there are no error messages in the warning.xml file.