Collecting Oracle Measurements Data

Starting from version 10.0.15, BigFix Inventory extends its capability to collect Oracle Java SE measurements data. Since version 10.0.16, BigFix Inventory also collects Oracle Database options and measurements data.

Notice: The latest version of the document is available at Collecting Oracle Measurements Data.
  • Hardware Inventory from Operating Systems
  • Hardware Inventory from VMware vCenter and VMware ESXi
  • Software Inventory for Oracle Java
  • Software Inventory for Oracle Database
Note: Sufficient disk space is required to download and process the data. There is an option to change the default working folder. Refer to Oracle auditing data files path parameter for more information on working folder.
BigFix Inventory produces the Oracle Auditing ZIP package (later called the Oracle ZIP package). You can send the generated package to Oracle.
Remember: BigFix Inventory Server and BigFix Endpoints do not send or receive any data from or to Oracle.
From version 10.0.16, the following database versions are supported for automated collection of Oracle Database Inventory Data:
  • 11.2
  • 12.1
  • 12.2
  • 18c
  • 19c
  • 21c

Refer to the sections below for more information on the process and details of collecting the data.