Specifying the valid-from date

You can create several applications with the same ID but with different valid-from dates. HCL Workload Automation for Z picks the correct version for the day it is planning.

For example, suppose that your LTP covers 98/01/01 to 98/01/10, that you have an application APPL1 with a valid-from date of 98/01/01, and that you have an amended version of APPL1 with a valid-from date of 98/01/05. When creating the LTP, HCL Workload Automation for Z uses the first version for the period 98/01/01 to 98/01/04 and the second version from 98/01/05.

  1. You can tailor the date format in the panel to suit your installation. The default format is used here.
  2. When listing applications with a filter by date, do not confuse the lower boundary in the specified range with the valid-from date. For example, listing with 01/01/2008 and 01/01/2009 as filter boundaries, the output correctly includes an application with 01/01/2001 as valid-from date.

You specify a valid-from date when you create or copy an application. The application is automatically assigned a valid-to date of 71/12/31, 31 December 2071. When you copy an application, the valid-to date of the old version is automatically set to the day before the valid-from date of the new version. If the new version is valid only for dates earlier than other versions, its valid-to date is set to one day earlier than the valid-from date of the earliest old version.