Producing and modifying the long-term plan

Use HCL Workload Automation for Z to perform the following tasks:
  • Create a long-term plan (LTP), if one does not exist.
  • Extend the long-term plan, if the time period covered by the plan is not far enough into the future.
  • Create a trial long-term plan.
  • Produce reports on all or part of the long-term plan.
  • Check the contents of the long-term plan online.
  • Change the long-term plan to fix errors or include last-minute changes.
  • Prepare job control language (JCL) for computer operations belonging to occurrences in the long-term plan.
  • Modify the long-term plan to reflect changes in the HCL Workload Automation for Z databases.
Use HCL Workload Automation for Z to perform the following tasks:
  • Create a long-term plan, if one does not exist.
  • Extend the long-term plan, if the time period covered by the plan is not far enough into the future.
  • Create a trial long-term plan.
  • Produce reports on all or part of the long-term plan.
  • Check the contents of the long-term plan online.
  • Change the long-term plan to fix errors or include last-minute changes.
  • Prepare job control language (JCL) for computer operations belonging to occurrences in the long-term plan.
  • Modify the long-term plan to reflect changes in the HCL Workload Automation for Z databases.

You access the long-term plan by selecting option 2 from the main menu. The MAINTAINING THE LONG TERM PLAN menu is displayed (EQQLTOPP - Maintaining the long-term plan panel).

Figure 1. EQQLTOPP - Maintaining the long-term plan panel
 EQQLTOPP -------------- MAINTAINING THE LONG TERM PLAN ------------------------
 Option ===>

 Select one of the following:

 1 ONLINE          - Occurrence utility:
                       Browse, Create, Delete, List, and Modify
                       Occurrences and Dependencies in the long term plan.
                       Job setup for occurrences in the long term plan.

 2 BATCH           - Plan utilities:
                       Modify, Create and Extend the long term plan
                       from run-cycle information.
                       Make a Trial long term plan.
                       Print long term plan.

 3 ADD             - Create an occurrence in the long term plan

 4 STATUS          - Display status of the long term plan

 5 SET DEFAULTS    - Set defaults to be used for browsing long term plan

This menu presents you with a list of functions, divided between those that run batch jobs and those that perform online updates.

You use the APPLICATION DESCRIPTION panel to change the AD database. This might cause changes in the run dates, input arrival times, or dependencies of occurrences that are included in the long-term plan. These changes are not reflected in the schedule until the long-term plan and current plans have been updated. You do not need to discard your long-term plan completely. Instead, you can change the long-term plan to reflect these changes. For details, see Modifying the long-term plan in batch. Then use the DAILY PLANNING panel to amend the current plan to include these changes. For details, see Producing the current plan.