Setting default successor and predecessor workstations

You can change the default workstations that HCL Workload Automation for Z uses to resolve external dependencies in the LTP panel by selecting option 5 (SET DEFAULTS) from the MAINTAINING THE LONG TERM PLAN menu (EQQLTOPP - Maintaining the long-term plan panel). The SETTING DEFAULT FOR BROWSE panel, shown in EQQLBDWP - Setting default for browse, is displayed.

Figure 1. EQQLBDWP - Setting default for browse
 EQQLBDWP ---------------- SETTING DEFAULT FOR BROWSE  ---------------------
 Command ===>

 Enter/Change data below:

 PREDECESSOR WS     ===> ____             Default predecessor work station
 SUCCESSOR WS       ===> ____             Default successor work station

 The values set on this panel are used only by the long term plan dialog.

When you create a dependency in the long-term plan using the LTP panel, the dependency is between two application occurrences. HCL Workload Automation for Z only recognizes dependencies between operations, so it must choose operations in the predecessor and successor occurrences that the dependency will actually be between. To do this, the LTP panel uses the information on the SETTING DEFAULT FOR BROWSE panel. If you have not defined an operation in the application on the default workstation, HCL Workload Automation for Z uses the last operation in the application for the dependency.

The values set in the panel are used only by the LTP panel. The LTPDEPRES parameter of the BATCHOPT statement specifies the corresponding defaults for the long-term plan extend and other batch jobs. For details about BATCHOPT, see Customization and Tuning.

Note: Use the OPTIONS panel to set the default calendar for online changes that you make to occurrences in the long-term plan.