Specifying the status

You can create an application or group as active or pending. An active application or group can be included in the plans, whereas a pending application or group cannot.

When you are creating a complicated application, it is useful to give it a status of pending. You can then change the status to active when you have completed the application description. If you follow this procedure, there is no risk that your uncompleted application will be included in the plans.

If you change a status from active to pending, consider deleting any occurrences in the LTP before extending the current plan, because the daily plan program tries to find a valid version of an application when processing an occurrence in the LTP. If the latest version is pending, and therefore not valid, HCL Workload Automation for Z uses the previous version, if there is one. If an application description that is active at the input arrival date is not found during daily planning, message EQQ0317W is issued and the occurrence is not included in the plan: instead it is marked as deleted in the LTP.