Creating the default calendar

About this task

Paymore does not run its jobs at weekends or on national holidays. Specify the national holidays by creating the default calendar, which is a calendar with an ID of DEFAULT.

Create the default calendar like this:
  1. Select option 1.2.2 from the main menu.
  2. On the MODIFYING CALENDARS panel, enter the CREATE command. The CREATING A CALENDAR panel is shown, (Changing the default calendar).
    Figure 1. Changing the default calendar
     EQQTCCAL -------------------- CREATING A CALENDAR ---------- ROW 1 TO 20 OF 35
     Command ===>                                                  Scroll ===> CSR
     Enter/change data below and in the rows,
     and/or enter any of the following row commands:
     I(nn) - Insert, R(nn),RR(nn) - Repeat, D(nn),DD - Delete
     CALENDAR ID        ===> DEFAULT______
     DESCRIPTION        ===> default calendar_____
     WORK DAY END TIME  ===> 06.00
     Row  Weekday or     Comments                       Status
     cmd  date YY/MM/DD
     '' MONDAY________ ______________________________   W
     '' TUESDAY_______ ______________________________   W
     '' WEDNESDAY_____ ______________________________   W
     '' THURSDAY______ ______________________________   W
     '' FRIDAY________ ______________________________   W
     '' SATURDAY______ ______________________________   F
     '' SUNDAY________ ______________________________   F
     '' 03/12/25______ Christmas Day_________________   F
     '' 03/03/28______ Good Friday___________________   F
  3. Enter W for the status of the days of the week that are work days, and F for the weekends and holidays. When work would otherwise be planned on a free (F) day, HCL Workload Automation for Z plans the work according to the free-day rule on each application run cycle. See Selecting a free-day rule for detailed information about the free-day rule.

    The status specified for a particular date overrides the specification for the corresponding day of the week.

  4. Specify the workday end time, which is the time that HCL Workload Automation for Z considers the day to end for planning purposes. Paymore's night shift, for example, goes home at 06.00, and work is run until 06.00 on holidays.

Remember to maintain your calendar once a year. Make full use of the calendar by using HCL Workload Automation for Z to schedule other things than batch jobs and started tasks. Why not use it to initiate events in NetView®?