Using servers

For each workstation, you specify parallel servers on the availability panels. The number of parallel servers defined on a computer workstation represents the maximum number of operations that can be started at the same time. If CPU1 has 15 servers, HCL Workload Automation for Z counts how many are being used, and starts as many operations as the number of unused servers at that moment allows. On computer workstations defined with server usage C or B, the number of parallel servers defined must be at least 1 or no operations will be started. The maximum number of parallel servers that can be defined for a workstation is 65535.

For other types of workstation, you normally specify usage P (planning only) for parallel servers, because you do not want HCL Workload Automation for Z to refuse to start a setup operation, for example, if an operator requests it. If an operator wants to set up a job, the server (operator) must be available! HCL Workload Automation for Z still uses the count of servers on setup workstations, but only for planning, when it works out in advance whether there could be a backlog of setup operations.

If you do not need to use servers, specify N (neither) for the server usage.

Table 1. Creating workstations for paymore
Field name Job setup workstation Computer workstation Printer workstation WTO workstation
These fields are in the CREATING GENERAL INFORMATION ABOUT A WORKSTATION panel (EQQWCGEP - Creating general information about a workstation):
DESCRIPTION Used to prepare JCL Main JES processor Printer pool Messages for NetView®
WORK STATION TYPE G (general) C (computer) P (printer) G (general)
REPORTING ATTR S (manual start and completion) A (automatic) A (automatic) C (completion only)
FT WORK STATION N (no) N (no) N (no) N (no)
SERVER USAGE P (planning only) B (both planning and control) P (planning only) N (neither)
SPLITTABLE Y (yes) N (no) Y (yes) N (no)
JOB SETUP Y (yes) N (no) N (no) N (no)
STARTED TASK, STC N (no) N (no) N (no) N (no)
WTO N (no) N (no) N (no) Y (yes)
WAIT N (no) N (no) N (no) N (no)
DESTINATION Blank (HCL Workload Automation for Z controlling processor) Blank (HCL Workload Automation for Z controlling processor) Blank (HCL Workload Automation for Z controlling processor) Blank (HCL Workload Automation for Z controlling processor)
TRANSPORT TIME 00.00 (0 minutes) 00.00 (0 minutes) 00.00 (0 minutes) 00.00 (0 minutes)
DURATION 00.05.00 (5 minutes) 00.05.00 (5 minutes) 00.30.00 (30 minutes) 00.01.00 (1 minute)
These fields are in the AVAILABILITY OF A WORK STATION panel (EQQWMAVL - Availability of a workstation):
Days with STANDARD availability M-F All All All
Days with other availability Saturday
Closed days Sunday
These fields are in the ALL OPEN TIME INTERVALS panel (EQQWMATL - All open time intervals):
Number of parallel servers 5 (clerks) 15 (initiators) 2 (printers) 99 (not used)