Creating run cycles for job descriptions

You can specify up to six run cycles on the CREATING A JOB panel:

Figure 1. Specifying run cycles for a job description
 RUN CYCLES         ===> MON_____ - _001   TUE_____ - _001   WED_____ - _001
                         THU_____ - _001   FRI_____ - _001   SAT_____ - _001  +
If you are not familiar with run cycles, see Specifying when your application should be scheduled. You can specify up to six periods and offsets, as shown in Specifying run cycles for a job description, if these run cycles have:
  • The same in-effect dates as the job description
  • The same input arrival times and deadline times as the job description (as specified in the RUN TIME FROM – TO field)
  • No more than one offset specified
  • Free-day rule E (exclude free days)

The use of run cycle groups is not supported in job descriptions.

If you want to create more than six run cycles, rule-based run cycles, or run cycles without these restrictions, enter the RUN command. The RUN CYCLES panel (EQQAMRPL - Run cycles ) is displayed, where you can specify run cycles in the standard way.

If you specify run cycles with the RUN command, a plus sign (+) is displayed when you return to the CREATING A JOB panel, as shown in Specifying run cycles for a job description.