Specifying additional operation details for job descriptions

If you enter the DETAILS command in the JOB DESCRIPTION panel, the OPERATION DETAILS panel is displayed. From this menu, you can specify the operation details as you would for a standard application. The difference is that you can specify operation details only for the processor operation. For more information, see Setting operation details.

Figure 1. EQQAMSDP - Operation details
EQQAMSDP --------------------- OPERATION DETAILS ------------------------
Option ===>

Select one of the following:

1  PREDECESSORS        - List of predecessors
2  WS RES AND SERVERS  - Work station resources and servers
3  SPECIAL RESOURCES   - List of special resources
4  AUTOMATIC OPTIONS   - Job, WTO, and print options
5  FEEDBACK            - Feedback options
6  TIME                - Time specifications
7  OP INSTRUCTIONS     - Operator instructions
8  JCL BROWSE          - JCL browse
9  CLEANUP OPTIONS     - Cleanup Options
10 EXTENDED INFO       - Operation extended info
11 AUTOMATION INFO     - System Automation operation info
12 USER FIELDS         - User Fields operation info
13 REMOTE JOB INFO     - Remote job information

Application            : PAYM2            MONTHLY PAYROLL TRANSFER
Operation              : CPU1 040
Jobname                :                  Number of int preds    : 0
Duration               : 00.01.00         Number of ext preds    : 0
                                          Number of conditions   : 2