Using in-effect/out-of-effect dates

You can use run cycles that have in-effect/out-of-effect dates to cause an automatic change after a certain date, such as changing the frequency of an application from daily to weekly, as shown in Using in-effect dates to switch between run cycles.

Figure 1. Using in-effect dates to switch between run cycles
EQQAMRPL ------------------------ RUN CYCLES ---------------------  ROW 1 OF 5
Command ===>                                                  Scroll ===> PAGE

Enter/Change data in the rows, and/or enter any of the following
row commands:
I(nn) - Insert, R(nn),RR(nn) - Repeat, D(nn),DD - Delete
S - Specify run days

Application            : SAMPLEA          An application_desc
                                            In       Out of
Row  Period name Input Deadline       F day effect   Effect
cmd  Text        HH.MM day HH.MM Type rule YY/MM/
DD  YY/MM/DD Variable table
'' DAILY___    21.01 01  08.00 N    4    97/01/
01  97/06/30 JOBCARD_________
     business inventory, run every day___

'' WEEK___     21.01 01  08.00 N    4    97/07/
01  71/12/31 JOBCARD_________
     business inventory, run every week__