Examples specifying the EVERY option

Consider you have an application whose calendar work day end time is 00.00, run cycle IA time 10:00, and deadline time 22.00. If you set REPEAT EVERY to 01.00 and REPEAT END TIME to 13.00, the long-term plan batch job adds to the long-term plan four occurrences for each day generated:
  • IA time 10.00 - deadline time 22.00
  • IA time 11.00 - deadline time 23.00
  • IA time 12.00 - deadline time 24.00
  • IA time 13.00 - deadline time 01.00 - deadline day offset 01

As shown in the example, the deadline time and day offset proceed at the same rate as the input arrival time.

Note: If you specified an operation deadline and input arrival time, these values are used unchanged.

As another example, consider you have an application with a calendar work day end time 05.00 and a run cycle whose input arrival time is 11.00. In this case, the EVERY end time must be a value between the IA time 11.00 and the work day end time 05.00, meaning that it must be either a value between 11.01 and 23.59 or between 00.00 and 4.59.

The EVERY options take effect at long-term plan level. Therefore, depending on the current plan end time, the EVERY options might generate occurrences in the current calendar day. For example, suppose that:
  • An application scheduled to run every day has the REPEAT EVERY set to 01.00 and REPEAT END TIME to 15.00
  • The application IA time is 10:00
  • The current plan end date is 31 October, at 12:30
the current plan contains three occurrences of this application, with IA date 31 October and IA time 10:00, 11:00, and 12:00. If you extend the current plan by 24 hours, the new current plan will contain:
  • The application occurrences with IA date 31 October and IA time 13:00, 14:00, 15:00. These are the remaining occurrences set by the long-term plan for the date 31 October.
  • The application occurrences with IA date 1 November and IA time 10:00, 11:00, and 12:00.
Note: The EVERY options are not considered when an application is dynamically added to the current plan.
If the application description does not specify a calendar, the default calendar is used to check whether the REPEAT END TIME is valid, according to the tool or function used:
The default calendar can be set in the SETTING DATE AND TIME FORMAT panel (EQQXDATP - Setting date and time format). If the calendar ID is set to DEFAULT and a calendar named DEFAULT does not exist, the default work day end time 00.00 is used.
Mass Update
The default calendar can be set in the CALENDAR parameter of the BATCHOPT statement. If this parameter is not set, a calendar named DEFAULT is used. If a calendar named DEFAULT does not exist, the default work day end time 00.00 is used.

If the calendar that is set does not exist, Mass Update does not perform any check on the REPEAT END TIME.

PIF, BCIT, batch loader, Dynamic Workload Console
The default calendar can be set in the CALENDAR parameter of the INIT statement. If this parameter is not set or the default calendar that is specified does not exist, no check on the REPEAT END TIME is performed. If the calendar is set to DEFAULT, the default work day end time 00.00 is used.

The long-term plan batch job checks whether the REPEAT END TIME is consistent with the work day end time; if not, the LTP batch job resets the REPEAT END TIME to the latest valid time possible (which is one minute before the calendar work day end time) and issues a warning message. The job completes with a return code of 4, at least. For example, if the application has a calendar work day end time 00.00, IA time 10.00, and REPEAT END TIME 09.00, the long-term plan batch job resets the REPEAT END TIME to 23.59 and calculates the occurrences according to this time.

When you create a run cycle with rules, you can check the generated days by issuing the GENDAYS command. These days are generated according to the input arrival of the run cycle. If you set the EVERY options, the LIST OF GENERATED DATES panel shows the number of occurrences that are run on each generated day. Note that if the calendar work day end time is not 00.00, the REPEAT END TIME could be later than midnight; in this case, the LIST OF GENERATED DATES panel also shows the occurrences that is run on the following days.