
These examples assume that only Saturday and Sunday are free days, and the workday end time in the calendar is 06.00. You have specified EVERY DAY in WEEK 21 on the MODIFYING A RULE panel. Effect of the input arrival time and the free-day rule shows the generated days for different combinations of free-day rule and input arrival time.

Table 1. Effect of the input arrival time and the free-day rule
Free-day rule Input arrival time Days generated
3 (schedule on the free day) 08.00 Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
1 (closest work day before) 08.00 Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
3 (schedule on the free day) 04.00 (before the workday end time) Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Monday
1 (closest work day before) 04.00 Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday (considered part of Friday, which is not a free day)
2 (closest work day after) 04.00 Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Tuesday (Saturday and Sunday are transferred to Tuesday at 04.00, considered part of Monday)

For details about the workday end time, see Creating the default calendar.