Log messages in the UARI_DELTA_REFRESH_LOG table for the Interact Event Pattern report

The UARI_DELTA_REFRESH_LOG table contains logging information for all procedures.

Aggregation process status

To verify the status of the aggregation process, look for the following text:


<patterntype> patterns delta refresh started for parallel degree <degree value>
<patterntype> patterns delta refresh completed for parallel degree <degree value>


  • <patterntype> is Match All, Counter, or Weighted Counter.
  • <degree value> is the value with which patterns are processed in parallel.

For example, when the degree value is 2, the following messages are logged:

MatchAll patterns delta refresh started for parallel degree 1
MatchAll patterns delta refresh completed for parallel degree 1
MatchAll patterns delta refresh started for parallel degree 2
MatchAll patterns delta refresh completed for parallel degree 2


To verify if the UARI_PATTERNSTATE_INFO table is refreshed, look for the following text:


     Pattern State information refresh procedure started
       --The procedure to refresh the data in UARI_PATTERNSTATE_INFO is running.


     Pattern State information refresh procedure completed
       --The procedure to refresh the data in UARI_PATTERNSTATE_INFO is completed.

Lock flags reset by the SP_AGGR_RUN_STATUS procedure

To verify if the lock flags are reset by the SP_AGGR_RUN_STATUS procedure, look for the following text:


patterns lock has been reset for parallel degree <degree value>

The OBJECT column of the UARI_DELTA_REFRESH_LOG table contains the procedure name for which the lock is reset.

where: <degree value> is the value with which patterns are processed in parallel.

For example, when the degree value is 1, the following message is logged:

patterns lock has been reset for parallel degree 1

For DB2 only: rebinding of packages

For DB2 only: to verify that rebinding of the packages completed, look for the following text:


Rebind of packages started
--Rebinding of the packages started


Rebinding of packages completed successfully on <datetime>
--Rebinding of the packages completed successfully on the given date.

Statistics updated on ETL tables

To verify if the statistics were updated on the ETL tables, look for the following text:


Table statistics update started
--Update statistics on the ETL tables is in process


UACI_ETLPATTERNEVENTINFO and indexes have been updated successfully 
on <datetime>
--Statistics are updated on the mentioned ETL tables on the given date.

Degree of parallel execution

To verify the degree of parallel execution, look for the following text:


Pattern aggregation processing Parallel degree is set to <degree value>
--Parallel degree with which report aggregation will run is set to <degree value>.

For example, when the degree value is 2, the following message is logged:

Pattern aggregation processing Parallel degree is set to 2.