Campaign reports and reporting schemas

You can customize the reporting schemas in the Campaign Report Package by adding contact or response metrics, attributes, or response types.

The reporting schemas in the Campaign Report Package can be customized in the following ways:

  • Add contact or response metrics.
  • Add custom campaign, offer, or cell attributes.
  • Add response types.
  • Configure the audience level for performance reports.
  • Create reporting schemas for additional audience levels.

The following table maps the individual HCL® Cognos® BI reports provided in the Campaign Reports Package to the reporting schemas that support them.

Table 1. Mapping of HCL Cognos BI reports to the reporting schema
Campaign Views schema Campaign Custom Attributes schema Campaign Performance schema Offer Performance schema Campaign Offer Response Breakout Offer Contact Status Breakout
What If Offer Financial Summary report X X X
Campaign Detailed Offer Response Breakout X X X
Offer Response Breakout, Dashboard version X X X
Campaign Financial Summary by Offer (Actual) X X X
Campaign Return on Investment Comparison X X X
Campaign Offer Performance by Month X X
Campaign Performance Comparison X X
Campaign Response Rate Comparison X X
Campaign Performance Comparison with Revenue X X
Campaign Performance Comparison by Initiative X X
Campaign Performance Summary by Cell X X
Campaign Performance Summary by Cell with Revenue X X
Campaign Performance Summary by Cell and Initiative X X
Campaign Performance Summary by Offer X X
Campaign Performance Summary by Offer with Revenue X X
Campaign Revenue Comparison by Offer X X
Campaign Summary X
Offer Campaign Listings X
Offer Performance Metrics X X
Offer Performance by Day X X
Offer Responses for Last 7 Days X X
Offer Performance Comparison X X
Offer Response Rate Comparison X X
Offer Performance Summary by Campaign X X X

The following reports rely on the standard set of custom contact and response metric attributes that are provided in Campaign:

  • What If Offer Financial Summary
  • Campaign Detailed Offer Response Breakout
  • Campaign Financial Summary by Offer (Actual)
  • Campaign Performance Comparison with Revenue
  • Campaign Performance Summary by Cell with Revenue
  • Campaign Performance Summary by Offer with Revenue