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HCL® Marketing Platform v11.0 documentation
Welcome to the HCL® Marketing Platform v11.0 documentation, where you can find information about how to administer and use Marketing Platform.
This section describes the new features and changes introduced in the 11.0 version of Marketing Platform.
New features and changes in version 11.0
This section describes the new features and changes introduced in the 11.0 version of Marketing Platform.
Fixed defects
Known issues
Known limitations
Issues related to third-party software
HCL® Marketing Platform provides security, configuration, notification, and dashboard features for HCL® Marketing Software products.
HCL® Marketing Platform provides security, configuration, notification, and dashboard features for HCL® Marketing Software products.
You can manage the attributes of user accounts created using HCL® Marketing Platform user interface, which we refer to as internal accounts. This is in contrast to external user accounts, which are imported from an external system such as an LDAP server or web access control system.
HCL® Marketing Platform supports roles and permissions to control user access to objects and features in HCL® Marketing Software applications.
When HCL® Marketing Software is first installed, the Configuration page shows only the properties used to configure HCL® Marketing Platform and some global configuration properties. When you install additional HCL Marketing Software applications, the properties used to configure these applications are registered with Marketing Platform. These properties are then shown on the Configuration page, where you can set or modify their values.
Dashboards are configurable pages that contain information useful to groups of users who fill various roles within your company. The components that make up dashboards are called portlets. Dashboards can contain pre-defined portlets or portlets that you create.
The HCL® Marketing Software Scheduler enables you to configure a process to run at intervals that you define.
HCL® Marketing Platform implements a SAML 2.0 based Identity Provider (IdP) that enables a single sign-on federation among HCL® Marketing Software products or between HCL Marketing Software products and third party applications.
Marketing Platform supports SAML 2.0 based single sign-on.
JSON web token (JWT) authentication is used for Journey Designer+Campaign. JWT authentication allows single sign-on between applications.
If your organization uses IBM® Digital Analytics, you can enable single sign-on between Digital Analytics and HCL Marketing Software.
Marketing Platform can be configured to integrate with Windows™ Active Directory server or another LDAP (Lightweight Directory Access Protocol) server. By integrating HCL® Marketing Software with a directory server, you can maintain users and groups in one centralized location. Integration provides a flexible model for extending the enterprise authorization policies into HCL Marketing Software applications. Integration reduces support costs and the time needed to deploy an application in production.
Marketing Platform can be configured to integrate with Windows™ Active Directory server or another LDAP (Lightweight Directory Access Protocol) server. By integrating HCL® Marketing Software with a directory server, you can maintain users and groups in one centralized location. Integration provides a flexible model for extending the enterprise authorization policies into HCL Marketing Software applications. Integration reduces support costs and the time needed to deploy an application in production.
Organizations use web access control platforms to consolidate their security systems, which provide a portal that regulates user access to web sites. This section provides an overview of HCL® Marketing Software integration with web access control platforms.
HCL® Marketing Platform provides support for system alerts and user notifications sent by HCL® Marketing Software products.
This section describes one-way SSL in HCL® Marketing Software.
Marketing Platform provides the security framework for the APIs implemented by HCL® Marketing Software products.
Data filters make it possible to restrict the customer data that an HCL® Marketing Software user can view and work with in HCL Marketing Software applications. You can think of the data you secure with a data filter as a data set defined by the fields in your customer tables that you specify.
You can configure which audit events are tracked and assign a severity level to each tracked event.
You should check the system log first if the Marketing Platform application malfunctions. The system log is independent of the security audit information, which is stored in the system tables. While the system log tracks some of the same information contained in the security audit reports, it also contains information useful in troubleshooting Marketing Platform.
This section provides an overview of the Marketing Platform utilities, including some details that apply to all of the utilities and which are not included in the individual utility descriptions.
This section describes the configuration properties found on the Settings & Configuration page.
You can customize the appearance of the user interface where most HCL® Marketing Software product pages appear. By editing a cascading style sheet and providing your own graphics, you can change many of the images, fonts, and colors in the user interface.
An installation of Marketing Platform is complete when you install, configure, and deployinstall and configure Marketing Platform. The Marketing Platform Installation Guide provides detailed information about installing, configuring, and deployinginstalling and configuring Marketing Platform.
Installation overview
An installation of Marketing Platform is complete when you install, configure, and deployinstall and configure Marketing Platform. The Marketing Platform Installation Guide provides detailed information about installing, configuring, and deployinginstalling and configuring Marketing Platform.
Planning the Platform Installation
When you plan your Marketing Platform and Attribution Modeler installation, you must ensure that you have set up your system correctly, and that you have configured your environment to deal with any failures.
Creating the Marketing Platform data sources
You must create Marketing Platform data sources before you can install Marketing Platform.
Installing CampaignDistributed MarketingeMessageContact OptimizationInteractLeadsOpportunity DetectionDigital Analytics for On PremisesCustomerInsightPredictiveInsightMarketing OperationsInteraction HistoryAttribution ModelerCampaign
You must run the HCL® Marketing Software installer to start the installation of Marketing Platform. The HCL Marketing Software installer starts the Marketing Platform installer during the installation process. Make sure that the HCL Marketing Software installer and the product installer are saved at the same location.
Deploying Marketing Platform
You must follow a set of guidelines when you deploy Marketing Platform in your web application server. There is a different set of guidelines for deploying Marketing Platform on WebLogic and on WebSphere®.
Configuring Marketing Platform after deployment
For a basic installation of Marketing Platform, you must configure Marketing Platform after deployment if you use the HCL® Marketing Software reporting feature, or if you want to use a password policy.
Marketing Platform supports an IBM WebSphere Application Server cluster deployment. Clustering is not supported on WebLogic.
This section provides an overview of the Marketing Platform utilities, including some details that apply to all of the utilities and which are not included in the individual utility descriptions.
About Marketing Platform SQL scripts
This section describes the SQL scripts provided with Marketing Platform to perform various tasks relating to the Marketing Platform system tables.
Uninstalling CampaignDistributed MarketingeMessageContact OptimizationInteractLeadsOpportunity DetectionDigital Analytics for On PremisesCustomerInsightPredictiveInsightMarketing OperationsInteraction HistoryAttribution Modeler
Run the Marketing Platform and Attribution Modeler uninstallers to uninstall Marketing Platform. When you run the Marketing Platform uninstaller, the files that were created during the installation process are removed. For example, files such as configuration files, installer registry information, and user data are removed from the computer.
An upgrade of Marketing Platform is complete when you upgrade, configure, and deployupgrade and configure Marketing Platform. The Marketing Platform Upgrade Guide provides detailed information about upgrading, configuring, and deployingupgrading and configuring Marketing Platform.
An upgrade of Marketing Platform is complete when you upgrade, configure, and deployupgrade and configure Marketing Platform. The Marketing Platform Upgrade Guide provides detailed information about upgrading, configuring, and deployingupgrading and configuring Marketing Platform.
Planning the CampaignDistributed MarketingeMessageContact OptimizationInteractLeadsOpportunity DetectionDigital Analytics for On PremisesCustomerInsightPredictiveInsightMarketing OperationsInteraction HistoryAttribution ModelerMarketing PlatformMarketing Platform upgrade
You can upgrade your current version of Marketing Platform to bring it up-to-date with the latest features.
Automatic migration allows the installer to run the SQL script and insert the configuration properties that are required to upgrade your Marketing Platform system tables. If your company policy does not allow automated updates to your system table database, you must use manual migration, described elsewhere in this guide.
The Marketing Platform upgrade installer can perform all of the data migration that is required for an upgrade automatically. However, if the policy of your organization does not allow automatic migration, you must complete the migration procedure to upgrade Marketing Platform manually.
The Marketing Platform upgrade installer can perform all of the data migration that is required for an upgrade automatically. However, if the policy of your organization does not allow automatic migration, you must complete the migration procedure to upgrade Marketing Platform manually.
The Marketing Platform upgrade installer can perform all of the data migration that is required for an upgrade automatically. However, if the policy of your organization does not allow automatic migration, you must complete the migration procedure to upgrade Marketing Platform manually.
The Marketing Platform upgrade installer can perform all of the data migration that is required for an upgrade automatically. However, if the policy of your organization does not allow automatic migration, you must complete the migration procedure to upgrade Marketing Platform manually.
The Marketing Platform upgrade installer can perform all of the data migration that is required for an upgrade automatically. However, if the policy of your organization does not allow automatic migration, you must complete the migration procedure to upgrade Marketing Platform manually.
Upgrading from version 10.0.0 with manual migration
The Marketing Platform upgrade installer can perform all of the data migration that is required for an upgrade automatically. However, if the policy of your organization does not allow automatic migration, you must complete the migration procedure to upgrade Marketing Platform manually.
Upgrading from version 10.1.0 with manual migration
The Marketing Platform upgrade installer can perform all of the data migration that is required for an upgrade automatically. However, if the policy of your organization does not allow automatic migration, you must complete the migration procedure to upgrade Marketing Platform manually.
You must follow a set of guidelines when you deploy Marketing Platform in your web application server. There is a different set of guidelines for deploying Marketing Platform on WebLogic and on WebSphere®.
Configuring Marketing Platform after deployment
For a basic installation of Marketing Platform, you must configure Marketing Platform after deployment if you use the HCL® Marketing Software reporting feature, or if you want to use a password policy.
This section provides an overview of the Marketing Platform utilities, including some details that apply to all of the utilities and which are not included in the individual utility descriptions.
About Marketing Platform SQL scripts
This section describes the SQL scripts provided with Marketing Platform to perform various tasks relating to the Marketing Platform system tables.
Uninstalling CampaignDistributed MarketingeMessageContact OptimizationInteractLeadsOpportunity DetectionDigital Analytics for On PremisesCustomerInsightPredictiveInsightMarketing OperationsInteraction HistoryAttribution Modeler
Run the Marketing Platform and Attribution Modeler uninstallers to uninstall Marketing Platform. When you run the Marketing Platform uninstaller, the files that were created during the installation process are removed. For example, files such as configuration files, installer registry information, and user data are removed from the computer.
Before you begin fast upgrade
High-level steps involved in the Fast Upgrade process
The IBM Marketing Software Fast upgrade process is introduced to help complete the upgrade process in a short time so that you encounter less downtime on your production environment. Also, Fast upgrade process will get executed on clean 11.0 environment, so users existing environment will remain untouched.
Procedure: Fast upgrade Marketing Platform
Procedure: Fast upgrade Campaign
Procedure: Fast upgrade Contact Optimize
Procedure: Fast upgrade Interact
Procedure: Fast upgrade Marketing Operations
Procedure: Fast upgrade Reports
An installation of the HCL® Marketing Software reports is complete when you install HCL® Cognos® BI and configure it for HCL Marketing Software applications. This guide provides detailed information about configuring HCL Cognos BI, and integrating HCL Cognos BI with HCL Marketing Software.
An installation of the HCL® Marketing Software reports is complete when you install HCL® Cognos® BI and configure it for HCL Marketing Software applications. This guide provides detailed information about configuring HCL Cognos BI, and integrating HCL Cognos BI with HCL Marketing Software.
When you plan your HCL® Marketing Software reports installation, you must ensure that you correctly set up your system and configure your environment.
To install HCL® Marketing Software reporting for your products, you must install the reporting components.
Your license agreement with HCL® must grant you an HCL Cognos® BI license so you can download the HCL Cognos BI installation files. HCL® Cognos BI is a collection of applications, servers, and services that is organized in a multi-tiered architecture.
After you install HCL® Cognos®, you must integrate the HCL® Marketing Software suite with HCL Cognos.
After you install or upgrade your reporting packages, you must configure your reporting installation.
A Custom Java Authentication Provider (CJAP) provides authorization for users who access Cognos report folders and reports. You can implement this feature after you implement the HCL® Marketing Software Authentication Provider, which provides single sign-on authentication between HCL Marketing Software applications and Cognos.
If you use Campaign, eMessage, or Interact with more than one partition, you must configure the HCL® Cognos® reports packages for each partition. You can set up reporting on multiple partitions after you configure the partitions in Campaign and eMessage.
You can upgrade your current version of HCL® Marketing Software reports to bring it up-to-date with the latest features.
Upgrading the 8.x or 9.x model and installing the new reports are the first steps that you must complete to upgrade your reports.
The report configuration properties for HCL® Marketing Software are at Settings > Configuration > Reports.
The HCL® Cognos® reporting integration components include a global report style sheet, GlobalReportStyles.css.
Additional styling is required for Campaign, eMessage, and Interact Cognos reports. The global report styles are modified to add classes to override the styling of existing classes to improve the look and feel of Campaign, eMessage, and Interact reports.
You can customize the reporting schemas in the Campaign Report Package by adding contact or response metrics, attributes, or response types.
Executive Summary
HCL Marketing Software Support in the GDPR Context
HCL Marketing Software provides GDPR support for the following Marketing Software products: