Personalization Field Properties screen reference

Field Description

Personalization Field Name

Display name for the personalization field.

You cannot edit this field.


Enter or edit a short description of the field.

For example, you can describe the content that is provided by the field to make it easier to decide which field to use in a document.

Sample Data

Enter sample data for the field.

The text that you enter here displays when you preview Deliver documents that contain the personalization field.


The source of the data that are used to populate the personalization field when you run a mailing.

You cannot edit this field.

Add new pf value to list

Enter values here for personalization fields that are used as variation fields in the Message Editor when you configure content elements that provide content variations. The values that you enter determine when a content variation displays.

If you do not enter variation values here, you cannot use the personalization field to configure content variations.

List of possible values

The list of values added to the personalization field. The values also appear as values in a drop-down list in the Message Editor when you configure content elements that contain content variations.