Configuring an external TCSPI adapter as the default audio video provider

Configure the Sametime® Media Manager to use external TCSPI adapters.

About this task

The "MyAV" adapter is a reference implementation of an external adapter intended for use as a learning aid. Starting with release 8.5.2 Sametime supports external adapters; for example, you can deploy one adapter to support audio, and another for video.

Note: For details on compatibility between Sametime Community Servers and clients, see the "Client-Server compatibility when external adapters are deployed" section in How do external TCSPI adapters work?


To deploy an external adapter, complete these steps:
  1. Define one adapter as the default:

    The default adapter is used for calls in which no service provider ID is specified, as happens with clients from releases before Sametime 8.5.

    1. Open the adapter's file for editing.
    2. Locate the DefaultService parameter and set it to true.
    3. Important: Locate the following Help URL statements and replace the URLs so that the links point to documentation on your adapter.

      These links appear in the user interface; for example, users see a link while selecting a provider in the Service Providers dialog box within the Voice and Video preferences section of the Connect client. The example URLs included in the file do not point to real documentation because IBM® cannot document your company's product.

      # Help URLs
    4. Save and close the file.
  2. Locate the sametime_tcspi folder on the Conference Manager.
    • Single Conference Manager (including one that is installed on the same computer as the SIP Proxy/Registrar)
      • Linux: /opt/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer/profiles/STMSAppProfile
      • Windows: C:\Program Files\IBM\WebSphere\AppServer\profiles\STMSAppProfile
    • Conference Manager primary node (clustered)
      • Linux: /opt/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer/profiles/STMSAppProfile
      • Windows: C:\Program Files\IBM\WebSphere\AppServer\profiles\STMSAppProfile
    • Conference Manager secondary node (clustered)
      • Linux: /opt/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer/profiles/STMSSNAppProfile
      • Windows: C:\Program Files\IBM\WebSphere\AppServer\profiles\STMSSNAppProfile
  3. Decide whether to store every adapter in a subfolder, or to leave the files comprising one adapter (any one of the adapters) at the root of the sametime_tcspi folder.
  4. Copy the adapter's files and folders to the Conference Manager's sametime_tcspi folder.
    An external adapter comprises the following files:
    • JAR file(s) containing the executable code
    • file containing the adapter properties
    • properties subdirectory containing translated string files
    • Other configuration files needed by the particular adapter
    Be sure to copy all of the adapter files and folders to the Conference Manager.

  5. If the Conference Manager is deployed in a cluster, repeat this procedure for every cluster member.
  6. Restart the Conference Manager server (or cluster):
    • Stand-alone server:
      1. Click the Status tab.
      2. On the Status page, click the Start/Restart button at the beginning of the table.
      3. After a few seconds, click the Refresh button and verify that the Conference Manager is now active.
    • Cluster:
      1. Stop the deployment manager:
        1. Click System Administration > Deployment manager.
        2. Click the Configuration tab.
        3. On the Configuration tab of the deployment manager settings, click Stop.
      2. Start the deployment manager:
        1. Open a command window and navigate to the was_install_root/profiles/DM_profile_name/bin.
        2. Run the command (Linux) or the startManager.bat command (Windows).
  7. Do one of the following:
    • Upgrade all Sametime clients to release 8.5.2 to ensure access to the external adapters.
    • Set the policy to limit access to 8.5.2 clients only (older clients will have no access to any external adapters in this case).