Adding trusted IP addresses to the Media Manager SIP Proxy/Registrar

The Sametime® SIP Proxy/Registrar accepts connections from the Sametime Media Manager Conference Manager component. The SIP Proxy/Registrar also accepts connections from any Sametime Meeting Server that is installed with the Meeting Recording Capturer role for real-time recording of online meetings. To ensure that the SIP Proxy/Registrar trusts this component when they establish a connection, you must add a custom SIP container property that uses the IP address or fully qualified domain name for the trusted component as its value.

About this task

Complete these steps for each server in a SIP Proxy/Registrar cluster or for every SIP Proxy/Registrar in a multiple-server deployment.


  1. Log in to the Media Manager's Integrated Solutions Console.

    If you installed the SIP Proxy/Registrar component on a separate server, log in to the SIP Proxy/Registrar's Integrated Solutions Console.

  2. Click Servers > Server Types > WebSphere Application Servers.
  3. Click the name of the Media Manager server.

    In a clustered environment, click the name of a cluster member.

  4. In the "Container settings" section, click SIP Container Settings > SIP container.
  5. Click Custom Properties.
  6. Add this new property if it does not exist:

  7. Add the Conference Manager as trusted IP addresses. Use commas to separate multiple values if you are using multiple servers.

    In a non-clustered environment, use the servers' IP addresses or fully qualified domain names.

    Note: If the Conference Manager operates in a cluster, use the IP address or fully qualified domain name for the WebSphere® Application Server proxy used by the Conference Manager cluster instead.
  8. If applicable, add the Meeting Server with the Meeting Recording Capturer role. Use its IP address or fully qualified domain name.
  9. Click OK.
  10. Click Save.
  11. Restart the Sip Proxy/Registrar.