Changing the default authentication method for clients

When users select "Remember password" on the Login screen, the Sametime® SIP Proxy/Registrar assumes the client and server are using Basic authentication. To change to either LTPA authentication or to disable authentication, edit the value for SIPAuthenticationType in the stavconfig.xml file.


  1. On the server hosting the Conference Manager's deployment manager, locate the stavconfig.xml file in the deployment manager's profile.

    The Sametime System Console is typically used as the deployment manager but is not required; your deployment may use a different server for that purpose. The stavconfig.xml file is typically stored in the following location for the deployment manager:


    Note: There are several instances of the stavconfig.xml file, and all instances must be updated.
  2. Open the file for editing.
  3. Set the value for SIPAuthenticationType to match the type of authentication to use when a user selects Remember password.

    Accepted values are Basic (the default), LTPA, and None.

    For example, to change to LTPA authentication, add this value:

    <configuration lastUpdated="1226425838277" name="SIPAuthenticationType" value="LTPA"/>

    LTPA can be used when you have set up single sign-on (SSO) for clients. Browser-based clients running with the audio-visual plugin always use LTPA if authentication is enabled, even if Basic is set as the value.

  4. Save and close the file.
  5. In a clustered environment, you must change all instances of the stavconfig.xml file in the Deployment manager profile. Repeat the previous steps for all other instances of the file.
  6. Synchronize all nodes in the cell:
    1. In the deployment manager's Integrated Solutions Console, click System Administration > Nodes.
    2. Click Full Resynchronize.