Managing Web Content Syndicators and Subscribers using DXClient | HCL Digital Experience

The section provides information about using the DXClient process to automate the management of Web Content Manager Syndicators, Subscribers, and get-syndication reports. For more information on the process and settings of the Web Content Manager Syndicators and Subscribers, see How to manage syndicators and subscribers | HCL Digital Experience.

Managing syndicators

The manage-syndicator command is used to enable or disable the syndicator using the provided input.

Command description
This command invokes the manage-syndicator tool inside the DXClient. It is used to enable or disable the syndicator.
dxclient manage-syndicator
Help command
This command shows the help document on the manage-syndicator command usage:
dxclient manage-syndicator -h
Command options
Use this attribute to specify the hostname of the target server.
-hostname <value>
Use this attribute to specify the protocol with which to connect to the server.
-dxProtocol <value>
Use this attribute to specify the port on which to connect to the server(for Kubernetes Environment dxPort is 443)
-dxPort <value>
Use this attribute to specify the username that is required for authenticating with the server.
-dxUsername <value>
Use this attribute to specify the password that is required for authenticating with the server.
-dxPassword <value>
Use this attribute to specify the path to the contenthandler servlet on the DX server (example: /wps/mycontenthandler).
-contenthandlerPath <value>
Use this attribute to specify the UUID of the syndicator instance.
-UUID <value>
Use true or false to enable or disable the syndicator.
-enable <value>

The options that are passed through the command line override the default values.

dxclient manage-syndicator -dxProtocol <dxProtocol> -hostname <host-name> -dxPort <dxPort> -dxUsername <dxUsername> -dxPassword <dxPassword> -contenthandlerPath <contenthandlerPath> -UUID <UUID> -enable <enable>

Manage-syndicator get-syndication-report

The manage-syndicator get-syndication-report command is used to fetch the failed reports of the syndicator.

Command description
This command invokes the syndicator-faileditems tool inside the DXClient, which is used to fetch the failed reports.
dxclient manage-syndicator get-syndication-report
Help command
This command shows the help document on the manage-syndicator get-syndication-report command usage:
dxclient  manage-syndicator get-syndication-report -h
Command options
Use this attribute to specify the hostname of the target server
-hostname <value>
Use this attribute to specify the protocol with which to connect to the server
-dxProtocol <value>
Use this attribute to specify the port on which to connect to the server (for Kubernetes Environment, dxPort is 443)
-dxPort <value>
Use this attribute to specify the username that is required for authenticating with the server
-dxUsername <value>
Use this attribute to specify the password that is required for authenticating with the server
-dxPassword <value>
Use this attribute to specify the path to the contenthandler servlet on the DX server (for example, /wps/mycontenthandler)
-contenthandlerPath <value>
Use this attribute to specify the UUID of the syndicator instance
-UUID <value>

The options that are passed through the command line override the default values.

Example usage with UUID:
dxclient manage-syndicator get-syndication-report -dxProtocol <dxProtocol> -hostname <host-name> -dxPort <dxPort> -dxUsername <dxUsername> -dxPassword <dxPassword> -contenthandlerPath <contenthandlerPath> -UUID <UUID> 
Example usage without UUID:
dxclient manage-syndicator get-syndication-report -dxProtocol <dxProtocol> -hostname <host-name> -dxPort <dxPort> -dxUsername <dxUsername> -dxPassword <dxPassword> -contenthandlerPath <contenthandlerPath>  
Note: If UUID of a syndicator is specified, then the command provides the report for only the particular syndicator that is present in the target DX Server; otherwise, it provides the failure report for all syndicators.

Managing subscribers

The manage-subscriber command is used to enable or disable the subscriber using the provided input.

Command description
This command invokes the manage-subscriber tool inside the DXClient. It is used to enable/disable the subscriber.
dxclient manage-subscriber
Help command
This command shows the help document on the manage-syndicator command usage:
dxclient manage-subscriber -h
Command options
Use this attribute to specify the hostname of the target server.
-hostname <value>
Use this attribute to specify the protocol with which to connect to the server.
-dxProtocol <value>
Use this attribute to specify the port on which to connect to the server(for Kubernetes Environment dxPort is 443).
-dxPort <value>
Use this attribute to specify the username that is required for authenticating with the server.
-dxUsername <value>
Use this attribute to specify the password that is required for authenticating with the server.
-dxPassword <value>
Use this attribute to specify the path to the contenthandler servlet on the DX server (for example, /wps/mycontenthandler).
-contenthandlerPath <value>
Use this attribute to specify the UUID of the subscriber instance.
-UUID <value>
Use this attribute to specify the enable or disable the subscriber instance. Use true or false to enable or disable the subscriber.
-enable <value>

The options passed through command line overrides the default values.

dxclient manage-subscriber -dxProtocol <dxProtocol> -hostname <host-name> -dxPort <dxPort> -dxUsername <dxUsername> -dxPassword <dxPassword> -contenthandlerPath <contenthandlerPath> -UUID <UUID> -enable <enable>

Create Syndication Relation

The create-syndication-relation command is used to create the syndication relation between syndicator and subscriber in the DX server.

Command description
Use the create-syndication-relation to create syndication relation:
dxclient create-syndication-relation
Help command
This command shows the help information for create-syndication-relation command usage:
dxclient create-syndication-relation -h
Command options
Use this attribute to specify the protocol with which to connect to the DX server:
-dxProtocol <value>
Use this attribute to specify the hostname of the target DX server:
-hostname <value>
Use this attribute to specify the port on which to connect to the DX server (for Kubernetes Environment, dxPort is 443):
-dxPort <value>
Use this attribute to specify the username to authenticate with the DX server
-dxUsername <value>
Use this attribute to specify the password for the user in the "dxUsername" attribute
-dxPassword <value>
The path to the contenthandler servlet on the Script Application server:
-contenthandlerPath <value>
Syndicator URL of target server, for example, http(s)://host:port/wps/wcm:
-syndicatorUrl <value>
Use this attribute to specify the new syndicator name:
-syndicatorName <value>
Use this attribute to specify the new subscriber name:
-subscriberName <value>
Use this attribute to specify the Credential Vault Name of source server:
-vaultSlotName <value>
Whether the syndicator/subscriber pair is enabled on creation: isEnabled (default is true):
-isEnabled <value>
Whether the syndicator/subscriber pair is updateAfterCreation : updateAfterCreation (default is true):
-updateAfterCreation <value>
The libraries to syndicate eg. all-items,liveItems,liveProjectsItem,all-items,published-items and all-items-and-versions:
-syndicationType <value>
Use this attribute to specify the Libraries Name of target Server:
-webContentLibraries <value> 
Use this attribute to specify the Subscriber URL, for example, http(s)://host:port/wps/wcm:
-subscriberURL <value>
Use this attribute to specify the Syndicator/subscriber mode:
-mode <value>
Use this attribute to specify the Credential Vault Name:
-syndicatorVaultSlotName <value>
Use this attribute to specify the path to the context root on the DX server (for example, /wps):
-dxContextRoot <value>
Use this attribute to specify the path to the Virtual portal Context:
-virtualPortalContext <value>

Log files from command execution can be found in the logs directory of the DXClient installation.

dxclient create-syndication-relation -dxProtocol <dxProtocol> -hostname <hostname> -dxPort <dxPort> -contenthandlerPath <contenthandlerPath> -dxUsername <dxUsername> 
-dxPassword <dxPassword> -syndicatorUrl <syndicatorUrl> -syndicatorName <syndicatorName> -subscriberName <subscriberName> -vaultSlotName <vaultSlotName>
-isEnabled <isEnabled> -updateAfterCreation <updateAfterCreation> -syndicationType <syndicationType> -webContentLibraries <webContentLibraries> -subscriberURL <subscriberURL>
-mode <mode> -syndicatorVaultSlotName <syndicatorVaultSlotName> -dxContextRoot <dxContextRoot> -virtualPortalContext <virtualPortalContext>
Note: The attribute -dxConnectHostname is deprecated in CF202 and later releases. It is recommended that you start using the replacement parameter -hostname starting from CF202 wherever necessary.