Sample Pipelines for the DXClient Docker image file | HCL Digital Experience

This sample shows how to pull DXClient docker image from the given artifactory, run the DXClient tool in the docker and then deploy a portlet, theme, and script application. It is designed to be run from a Jenkins job that provides the following parameters:

Table 1. Sample pipeline parameters
Parameter Value Notes
DEPLOY_PORTLET Select this to deploy the portlet
DEPLOY_THEME Select this to deploy the theme
DEPLOY_SCRIPT_APPLICATION Select this to deploy the script application
AGENT_LABEL Jenkins agent label Determines on which agents the pipeline can run
ARTIFACTORY_URL URL to DXClient docker image file Docker image will be pulled out from this URL
REPO_PATH Repository path of the DXClient docker image Docker image will be pulled out from this folder
IMAGE_TAG docker image tag Docker image will be pulled out using this image tag
ARTIFACT_PATH URL (except filenames) for artifacts to be deployed Artifacts fetched via curl
ARTIFACT_CREDENTIALS_ID Credentials ID in Jenkins store User name / password credentials needed to access artifact URLs
DX_HOST Host name or IP address of DX server Artifacts will be deployed to this server
DX_PROTOCOL Protocol to connect to DX server http or https
DX_PORT Port to connect to DX serve Port for the DX main profile
DX_CREDENTIALS_ID Credentials ID in Jenkins store User name / password credentials needed to access DX server
DXCONNECT_HOST Host name or IP address of the DXConnect servlet (route change only in case of Open Shift Kubernetes Environment. For other case, this parameter should be same as DX_HOST) Hostname for the DX Configuration Wizard profile
DXCONNECT_PORT Port to connect to DXConnect servlet Port for the DX config wizard profile
DXCONNECT_CREDENTIALS_ID Credentials ID in Jenkins store User name / password credentials needed to access DX server config wizard profile
XML_CONFIG_PATH URL path to the config servlet for xmlaccess Defaults to '/wps/config'
CONTENT_HANDLER_PATH Alternate path for the portal context root or the content handler servlet Default to /wps/mycontenthandler/
DX_PROFILE_NAME Profile name of the DX server
DX_PROFILE_PATH Profile path of the DX server
DX_SOAP_PORT Soap Port number of the DX server
PORTLET_WAR_ARTIFACT_NAME Filename of WAR to deploy the portlet Required for deploy portlet
PORTLET_XML_ARTIFACT_NAME Filename of xmlaccess script used to deploy the portlet Required for deploy portlet
THEME_EAR_APPLICATION_NAME Application name for the EAR file to deploy the theme Required for EAR theme deployment
THEME_EAR_ARTIFACT_NAME File name of EAR application to deploy theme Required for EAR theme deployment
THEME_REGISTRATION_FILE File name of XML file to register the theme Required for theme registration
THEME_NAME WEBDAV theme name Required for WEBDAV theme deployment
THEME_ARTIFACT_NAME WEBDAV theme zip file name Required for WEBDAV theme deployment
SCRIPT_APP_ARTIFACT_NAME Filename of compressed script application to deploy Required for deploy script application
MAIN_HTML_FILE File name of Main HTML file within the script application Required for deploy script application
WCM_SITE_AREA SiteArea of the Script Application content Required for deploy script application
CONTENT_NAME Name of the Script Application instance to be created or updated Required for deploy script application
Sample pipeline for the DXClient Docker image fileSample pipeline for the DXClient Docker image fileSample pipeline for the DXClient Docker image file