Selecting a view

When you set up your profile, you must map files from distributed DevOps Code ClearCase® views. Before working with those files, you must first select your view. You can select only one view at a time.

Before you begin

Previous step: Selecting a profile

About this task

The profile provides the following parameters to define view types:
UCM ( YES | NO )
TSO Client uses these parameters to determine the list of available views to choose from in the List View panel. If your profile contains the following parameters, for example, then only snapshot, non-UCM views are available for selecting in the List View panel:
Before selecting a view, make sure that you have selected an profile that defines the view types you want to work with. For more information about these profile parameters, see Profile parameters.


To select the view to work with, do these steps:
  1. On the option line of the TSO Client Main Menu, type 1.
  2. In the Process Option field of the View and Stream panel, type 1 and specify a character string to use as a filter for the view names presented in the next panel.
  3. In the List View panel, type s next to the view name you want to select.
    You can scroll the list of views by using PF7 or PF8. Only views defined to the distributed DevOps Code ClearCase host are visible.


Selecting a view returns you to the TSO Client Main Menu. The DevOps Code ClearCase view field should now reflect the DevOps Code ClearCase view you have selected. The local PDS prefix field reflects the default value, as described in Configuring the TSO Client environment.

Note: You may change the local PDS prefix on the TSO Client Main Menu. However, be aware that changing your local PDS prefix causes an active refresh of your mainframe file list. For more information, see Refreshing copy areas.

What to do next

Next step: Creating or selecting UCM activities (if you are using UCM)