Example: campaign element template for a target

When creating a custom target for a marketing activity, you can refer to this sample when creating the target's campaign element template.


Here is the SQL statement to add the campaign element template code for an example target to the DMELETEMPLATE table. In this example, the target is to determine if the customer has paid to have gold, silver, or bronze level of support. This information is stored in a custom database table. The business user can then specify targets such as Customer has gold level support or Customer has silver level support.

This campaign element template has only an implementation definition.

insert into dmeletemplate (dmeletemplate_id, dmelementtype_id, name, implxml) 
(1000, 2, 'customLevelOfSupportTarget',
'<FlowElementImplementation type="Custom Level Of Support Target">
<Implementation invocationType="TaskCommand">
<Class name="com.mycompany.CustomLevelOfSupportTargetTaskCmd">
<Argument name="supportLevel" value="MARKETING_supportLevel"/>