Starting the Registry Docker container with default configurations

Learn how to start the Registry Docker containers.

To start the Registry container with default configurations, run the following command.
docker run -it -e LICENSE=accept registry
When you start by using the default configurations, the  Ingest server  image name is  search-registry-app.

Default host name

When you start the  Registry Docker container using the default configurations, the container  host name is  registry.

Optional parameters for Registry

Parameter name Description
ELASTICSEARCH_HOST The Elasticsearch container host name. The default value is elasticsearch.
ELASTICSEARCH_PORT The Elasticsearch service port. The default value is 9200.
ELASTICSEARCH_SCHEME The Elasticsearch service scheme. The default value is http.
NIFI_HOST The Nifi container host name. The default value is nifi.
NIFI_PORT The Nifi service port. The default value is 30600.
NIFI_SCHEME The Nifi service scheme. The default value is http.

Code example

docker run -it -e LICENSE=accept   
    <Registry Docker image>