Starting the Transaction server Docker container with default configurations

Learn how to start Transaction server Docker container without specifying the CONFIGURE_MODE parameter.

To start the container with default configurations to view files inside the container, use:
docker run -it -e LICENSE=accept ts-app
When you start by using the default configurations, the Transaction server Docker container image name is ts-app.

Default host name

When you start Transaction server Docker container by using the default configurations, the Transaction server Docker container host name is app.
  • This assumes that you are running a Db2 database Docker container. If you are not using a Db2 database Docker with the host name as db, then you cannot start the container by using the default configurations.
  • The database parameters are mandatory when you are not using the default configurations. If you point to a different database, you must specify all database-related parameters.

Mandatory environment variables

These are the mandatory environment variables that you must specify to configure the Transaction server Docker container.

Parameter name Description
MERCHANTKEY_ENCRYPT The encrypted merchant key that was created when you or an administrator loaded the HCL Commerce database schema. For more information, see Loading the HCL Commerce database schema.
SPIUSER_NAME Your SPIUSER name. The default value is spiuser.
SPIUSER_PWD The encrypted password for the spiuser. For more information, see Setting the spiuser password in your Docker images.
JWKS The HCL Commerce Tooling Single Page Application (SPA) uses JSON Web Tokens (JWT) for API authentication. Update this value to set the JSON Web Key Set (JWKS) and key ID in the Transaction server in order to sign and validate JWT. The JWKS can be generated by the generateJWKS utility.
JWKS_KEYID The Key ID of the JWKS, the default value is k1.
TOOLING_BASE_URL This value is used by Management Center to load the Tooling SPA from the Tooling Web Server.
ELASTICSEARCH_ENABLED Specify if the environment is using the Elasticsearch-based or Solr-based search solution. Accepted values are true for Elasticsearch-based search, and false for Solr-based search.
STORE_HOST Store server hostname.
STOREWEB_HOST The Store web server hostname.
Note: If you have multiple stores running on multiple domains, you can configure your domains to redirect to STOREWEB_HOST to ensure that preview works for all stores.
REACT_STORE_HOST The hostname for the React-based store. This is only required when the Elasticsearch-based search solution is enabled.
DBHOST The database hostname.
DBNAME The name of the database.
DBUSER The database user name.
DBPASS The database user password.
DBPORT The database port.
DBAUSER The database administrator.
DBAPASSENCRYPT The database administrator password that is encrypted with the utility.
DBPASSENCRYPT The database user password that is encrypted with the utility.
HCL Commerce Version or laterSESSION_KEY_ENCRYPT The encrypted session key.
Note: This parameter was optional in all releases prior to HCL Commerce

Optional environment variables

These are the optional environment variables that you can specify to configure the Transaction server Docker container.

Parameter name Description
DB_SSLENABLE Determines whether to enable SSL protocol for connections to the database. Accepted values are true or false. The default value is false.
DB_XA Specify if the XA function has been enabled for database. Accepted values are true or false. The default value is false.
adminPassword The password for user configadmin, which is used to access the WebSphere Application Server Administrative Console.
SCHEDULER_ID Specify the SchedulerHostName value in the WebSphere Application Server JVM for the Transaction server container scheduler. The default value is the Docker hostname.
SCHEDULER_CLONEID Specify the SchedulerCloneId value in the WebSphere Application Server JVM for the Transaction server container scheduler. The default value is the Docker hostname.
ENVTYPE The environment type. The default environment type value is auth. This value can also be set to live.
JVM_CONTAINER_SUPPORT An experimental parameter to enable JVM container support by removing the default JVM heapsize and adding the JVM parameter -XX:+UseContainerSupport.
EXPOSE_METRICS Specify if you want to enable metrics for the HCL Commerce environment.
INGEST_HOST The Ingest service hostname. The default value is ingest. This parameter is only required if the Elasticsearch-based search solution is enabled.
ELASTICSEARCH_HOST The Elasticsearch server hostname. The default value is elasticsearch. This parameter is only required if the Elasticsearch-based search solution is enabled.
SEARCH_HOST The Data-query hostname. The default value is data-query. This parameter is only required if the Elasticsearch-based search solution is enabled.
STORE_PORT The Store port number. The default value is 8443.
ELASTICSEARCH_PORT The Elasticsearch port number. The default value is 30200.
REACT_STORE_PORT The React-based store port number. The default value is 6443.
REACT_STORE_SERVICE_HOST The React-based store service hostname. The default value is store-web.
REACT_STORE_SERVICE_PORT The React-based store service port number. The default value is 6443.
SESSION_KEY_ENCRYPT The encrypted session key.
Note: This parameter is mandatory in all releases HCL Commerce and greater.