Starting the Nifi Docker container with default configurations

Learn how to start the Nifi Docker containers.

To start the Nifi container with default configurations, run the following command.
docker run -it -e LICENSE=accept nifi
When you start by using the default configurations, the Nifi server image name is search-nifi-app.

Default host name

When you start by using the default configurations, the Nifi Docker container host name is nifi.

Mandatory parameters for Nifi

Parameter name Description
AUTH_JDBC_URL The auth database JDBC URL.
AUTH_JDBC_DRIVER_LOCATION The auth database driver location on Nifi.
AUTH_JDBC_USER_NAME The auth JDBC database user name.
AUTH_JDBC_USER_PASSWORD The auth JDBC database user password.
HCL Commerce Version or laterREDIS_HOST The Redis host name that Nifi connects to for event messaging.
SPIUSER_NAME Your SPIUSER name. The default value is spiuser.
SPIUSER_PWD The encrypted password for the spiuser. For more information, see Setting the spiuser password in your Docker images.
ADMIN_SPIUSER_PWD The ADMIN_SPIUSER_PWD must be the same value as SPIUSER_PWD but kept as plain text.

Optional parameters for Nifi

Parameter name Description
LIVE_JDBC_URL The live database JDBC URL.
LIVE_JDBC_DRIVER_LOCATION The live database driver location on Nifi.
LIVE_JDBC_USER_NAME The live JDBC database user name.
LIVE_JDBC_USER_PASSWORD The live JDBC database user password.
HCL Commerce Version or laterAUTH_DB_SCHEMA The authoring database schema name. The default value is the value that is provided for AUTH_JDBC_USER_NAME.
HCL Commerce Version or laterLIVE_DB_SCHEMA The live database schema name. The default value is the value that is provided for LIVE_JDBC_USER_NAME.
ELASTICSEARCH_HOST The Elasticsearch container host name. The default value is elasticsearch.
ELASTICSEARCH_PORT The Elasticsearch service port. The default value is 9200.
ELASTICSEARCH_SCHEME The Elasticsearch service scheme. The default value is http.
HCL Commerce Version or laterAUTH_ELASTICSEARCH_SHARD_COUNT The number of shards to store the authoring indexes in, within the Elasticsearch service. The default value is 1.
HCL Commerce Version or laterAUTH_ELASTICSEARCH_REPLICA_COUNT The number of replicas for authoring indexes, within the Elasticsearch service. The default value is 0.
HCL Commerce Version or laterLIVE_ELASTICSEARCH_SHARD_COUNT The number of shards to store live indexes in, within the Elasticsearch service. The default value is 1.
HCL Commerce Version or laterLIVE_ELASTICSEARCH_REPLICA_COUNT The number of replicas for live indexes, within the Elasticsearch service. The default value is 0.
ZOOKEEPER_HOST The Zookeeper container host name. The default value is zookeeper.
ZOOKEEPER_PORT The Zookeeper service port. The default value is 2181.
ZOOKEEPER_SCHEME The Zookeeper service scheme. The default value is http.
NIFI_WEB_HTTP_PORT The Nifi web service HTTP port. The default value is 30600.
NIFI_CLUSTER_IS_NODE Whether the Nifi container is a node in a cluster. The default value is false.
NIFI_CLUSTER_NODE_PROTOCOL_PORT The Nifi cluster node protocol port. The default value is 8082.
NIFI_ELECTION_MAX_WAIT The maximum wait time for the Nifi election node service. The default value is 1 min.
NIFI_JVM_HEAP_INIT The initial heap size for the Nifi JVM. The default value is 1024m.
NIFI_JVM_HEAP_MAX The maximum heap size for the Nifi JVM. The default value is 4096m.
NIFI_HOST The Nifi container host name. The default value is nifi.
NIFI_PORT The Nifi service port. The default value is 30600.
NIFI_SCHEME The Nifi service scheme. The default value is http.
HCL Commerce Version or laterREDIS_PORT The Redis host port number that Nifi connects to for event messaging. The default value is 6379.
QUERY_HOST The Query container host name.
QUERY_PORT The Query service port.
QUERY_SCHEME The Query service scheme.

Code example

docker run -it -e LICENSE=accept  \ 
    -e AUTH_JDBC_URL =<Auth JDBC url> \ 
    -e AUTH_JDBC_DRIVER_LOCATION =<Auth JDBC driver location> 
    -e AUTH_JDBC_USER_NAME =<Auth database user name> \ 
    -e AUTH_JDBC_USER_PASSWORD =<Auth database user password>  
    <Nifi Docker image>