Creating attachments

Use the Assets tool to create an attachment to act as a container for managed files and URLs. Attachments are typically used by multi-language stores to group files that exist in more than one language, such as the English and French versions of an ad or a warranty document.


  1. Open the Assets tool.
  2. From the File menu, select New > Attachment.
  3. In the properties view, click the Manage Attachment tab. In the General Attachment Information section, complete the following information:
    Code The unique identifier for the attachment. For example, 300011Att. If you do not specify the code, a unique identifier is automatically generated for the attachment.
    Name The name of the attachment.
    Short description Enter a brief description of the attachment. To display the field as a column in a list view, right-click a column heading in the list view and click Configure Columns.
    Long description Enter a detailed description, if applicable. This field is not displayed by default in the list view. To display the field as a column in a list view, right-click a column heading in the list view and click Configure Columns.
  4. In the Files or URLs table, use either of these methods to add managed files or URLs to your attachment:
  5. Specify the languages for each file or URL by selecting the check box that applies to the selected file or URL.
    Note: If you do not specify a language for a file or URL, the file or URL is used for all languages that are supported in the selected store.
  6. Click Save; then click Close.