Deprecated feature: Extracting data

To extract data from a database using the massextract utility, you must specify the data that you want to extract from the database using an extraction-filter file. The extraction filter that you use depends on the type of data that you want to extract.

Before you begin

Configure loading utilities


  1. Create an extraction filter. For more information see example of an extraction filter.
  2. Run the massextract utility. Specify the name of the properties file created in step 1 as the value of the customizer parameter of the massextract utility.
    The data extracted from the database is in an XML file. The XML file contains a DTD that defines the data in the file and includes the data extracted.

    Each database table row is extracted into its own XML tag. Each element of the tag contains the column values for the row. The following example tag is an extracted row from the CATGRPDESC database table:

    shortdescription="short description for Fancy"
    longdescription="long description for Fancy"