Deprecated feature

Administrative commands

The main WebSphere Commerce Payments administrative commands are CreateAccount and ModifyAccount.


Keywords for CreateAccount command
Keyword Required / Optional Value
$METHOD R Indicates the manual payment method. Must be an ASCII string between 1 and 32 bytes long. Each account within a merchant must have a unique method value.
$BATCHCLOSETIME O This parameter specifies the time of day at which the cassette should automatically close the open batches. If not specified, all batches must be explicitly closed by the BatchClose command. This value is specified as an integer representing the number of minutes past midnight (where 0 represents midnight). Valid values are 0 <= time <= 1439


Keywords for ModifyAccount command
Keyword Required / Optional Value
$BATCHCLOSETIME R This parameter specifies the time of day at which the cassette should automatically close the open batches. If not specified, all batches must be explicitly closed by the BatchClose command. This value is specified as an integer representing the number of minutes past midnight (where 0 represents midnight). Valid values are 0 <= time <= 1439

Other supported administrative commands

The following administrative commands are supported without any optional or protocol data parameters:

  • CassetteControl
  • CreatePaySystem
  • DeleteAccount
  • DeletePaySystem
  • ModifyCassette
  • ModifyPaySystem

Unsupported administrative commands

The following administrative commands are not supported and always return primary and secondary return codes of PRC_COMMAND_NOT_SUPPORTED and RC_NONE:

  • CreateMerchantCassetteObject
  • CreateSystemCassetteObject
  • DeleteMerchantCassetteObject
  • DeleteSystemCassetteObject
  • ModifyMerchantCassetteObject
  • ModifySystemCassetteObject