Deprecated feature

Financial commands

WebSphere Commerce Payments supports the following financial commands: AcceptPayment, Approve, BatchClose, Deposit, Refund with protocol or optional parameters. Other financial commands are supported without any optional or protocol data parameters.


Keywords for AcceptPayment command
Keyword Required / Optional Value
APPROVEFLAG O Fully supported.
PAYMENTAMOUNT O/R Fully supported. Required if APPROVEFLAG is set to 1.
DEPOSITFLAG O Fully supported.
BATCHNUMBER O Not allowed (must not be specified) since all batches are opened implicitly.
$METHOD R Indicates the manual payment method to be used. Must match one of the methods configured into the merchant's set of Manual accounts. ASCII string from 1 to 32 bytes long. No default payment method is preconfigured.
$COUNTRYCODE O Country code of buyer's address. Depending upon the manual payment method, this may be a billing or a shipping address. This field allows national language characters including DBCS.
$STREETADDRESS O Street address of buyer's address. Depending upon the manual payment method, this may be a billing or a shipping address. This field allows national language characters including DBCS.
$CITY O City of buyer's address. Depending upon the manual payment method, this may be a billing or a shipping address. This field allows national language characters including DBCS.
$STATEPROVINCE O State or province of buyer's address. Depending upon the manual payment method, this may be a billing or a shipping address. This field allows national language characters including DBCS.
$POSTALCODE O Postal (zip) code of buyer's address. Depending upon the manual payment method, this may be a billing or a shipping address. This field allows national language characters including DBCS.
$AUXILIARY1 O Binary string, 0 to 254 characters long. merchant-supplied payment data. Only the merchant software knows what is stored in this field.
$AULILIARY2 O Binary string, 0 to 254 characters long. Merchant-supplied payment data. Only the merchant software knows what is stored in this field.
$AUTHCODE O Authorization code to be saved with the approved payment. This parameter is only used if APPROVEFLAG=1 is also specified on the AcceptPayment command. Must be an ASCII character string between 1 and 64 bytes long. If $AUTHCODE is specified, a payment is also created in PAYMENT_APPROVED state for the order amount and the ReferenceNumber is set to the $AUTHCODE value. If specified with $DECLINEREASON, the command will fail with PRC_INVALID_PARAMETER_COMBINATION, RC_CASSETTE_AUTHCODE_ AND_DECLINEREASON. If neither this parameter nor $DECLINEREASON is specified with APPROVEFLAG=1, an approved payment is created for the order amount with an empty ReferenceCode.
$DECLINEREASON O Decline code to be saved with the declined payment. This parameter is only used if APPROVEFLAG=1 is also specified on the AcceptPayment command. Must be an ASCII character string between 1 and 16 bytes long. If $DECLINEREASON is specified, a Payment is also created in PAYMENT_DECLINED state and the ReferenceNumber is set to the $DECLINEREASON value. If specified with $AUTHCODE, the command will fail with PRC_INVALID_PARAMETER_COMBINATION, RC_CASSETTE_AUTHCODE_AND_DECLINEREASON


Keywords for Approve command
Keyword Required / Optional Value
BATCHNUMBER O Not allowed (must not be specified) since all batches are opened implicitly.
DEPOSITFLAG O Fully supported.
$AUTHCODE O Authorization code to be saved with the approved payment. Must be an ASCII character string between 1 and 16 bytes long. If $AUTHCODE is specified, the payment is created in PAYMENT_APPROVED state and the ReferenceNumber is set to the $AUTHCODE value. If neither this parameter nor $DECLINEREASON is specified, the payment is created in PAYMENT_APPROVED state with an empty ReferenceCode. If specified with $DECLINEREASON, the command will fail with PRC_INVALID_PARAMETER_COMBINATION, RC_CASSETTE_AUTHCODE_AND_DECLINEREASON
$DECLINEREASON O Decline code to be saved with the declined payment. Must be an ASCII character string between 1 and 256 bytes long. If $DECLINEREASON is specified, the payment is created in PAYMENT_DECLINED state and the declineReason field is set to the $DECLINEREASON value. If specified with $AUTHCODE, the command will fail with PRC_INVALID_PARAMETER_COMBINATION, RC_CASSETTE_AUTHCODE_AND_DECLINEREASON


Keywords for BatchClose command
Keyword Required / Optional Value
$FIBATCHID O Specifies the financial institution's identifier for the batch. This parameters allows the merchant to correlate the local batch object to an entity at the financial institution. If specified, the value is saved as the fiBatchId value in the CustomOffline Cassette's extension to the Batch object. Otherwise, that field is left empty. Must be an ASCII character string between 1 and 32 bytes long.


Keywords for Deposit command
Keyword Required / Optional Value
BATCHNUMBER O Not allowed (must not be specified) since all batches are opened implicitly.


Keywords for Refund command
Keyword Required / Optional Value
BATCHNUMBER O Not allowed (must not be specified) since all batches are opened implicitly.
$AUTHCODE O Authorization code to be saved with the approved credit. Must be an ASCII character string between 1 and 16 bytes long. If $AUTHCODE is specified, the credit is created in CREDIT_APPROVED state and the ReferenceNumber is set to the $AUTHCODE value. If neither this parameter nor $DECLINEREASON is specified, the credit is created in CREDIT_APPROVED state with an empty ReferenceCode. If specified with $DECLINEREASON, the command will fail with PRC_INVALID_PARAMETER_COMBINATION, RC_CASSETTE_AUTHCODE_AND_DECLINEREASON
$DECLINEREASON O Decline code to be saved with the declined credit. Must be an ASCII character string between 1 and 256 bytes long. If $DECLINEREASON is specified, the credit is created in CREDIT_DECLINED state and the declineReason field is set to the $DECLINEREASON value. If specified with $AUTHCODE, the command will fail with PRC_INVALID_PARAMETER_COMBINATION, RC_CASSETTE_AUTHCODE_AND_DECLINEREASON

Other supported financial commands

The following financial commands are supported without any optional or protocol data parameters:

  • ApproveReversal modifies the approved amount of a payment.
  • BatchPurge clears out a batch and returns the Batch object to the Open state.
  • CancelOrder moves an order into the canceled state.
  • CloseOrder moves an order into the closed state.
  • DepositReversal disassociates a payment from a batch.
  • DeleteBatch removes the specified batch from the database tables.
  • RefundReversal voids existing credit objects.

Unsupported financial commands

The following financial commands are not supported and always return primary and secondary return codes of PRC_COMMAND_NOT_SUPPORTED :and RC_NONE

  • BatchOpen
  • ReceivePayment