Enabling interim fix JR43903 to display custom email templates

Interim fix JR43903 supports displaying custom email templates in the Management Center. To enable this interim fix, you must implement and deploy changes to OpenLaszlo code.

Before you begin

Install the cumulative interim fix for Feature Pack 5, JR53048.fep.


  1. Open WebSphere Commerce Developer and switch to the Enterprise Explorer view.
  2. Open the file LOBTools/WebContent/config/commerce/marketing/listViewDefinitions/EmailTemplateListView.def
  3. Search for the following term:
  4. Add the following code to the mktEmailTemplateGridEditor objectTypes field.
    Note: The mktEmailTemplateGridEditor ChildListEditor line resembles the following snippet:
    <ChildListEditor definitionName="mktEmailTemplateGridEditor" listDefinitionName="mktEmailTemplateGrid" 
  5. Save all files.
  6. Test your changes in the Management Center: https://hostname:8000/lobtools.
  7. Deploy your changes to your production environment.