Usecase Design Console (UCD Console)

The use case design console (also known as the UCD console) is the primary area where conversation design is done for a particular skill or tenant. Users can create new skills, intents, entities and finally the dialog nodes to handle user utterances and customize conversational experience.

This console helps to configure the usecases to interact with the customers in a useful way by addressing their queries and providing suitable responses.

  1. Go to Admin Dashboard Console under BigFix AEX Cognitive Consoles and click on Usecase Design Console.
  1. The Usecase Design Console appears.
    Figure 1. Figure 1 - Usecase Design Console
    1. Select SKILLS tab. Two buttons are available under this tab:
    • Create Skill
    • Import and Create Skill
    1. Click on CREATE SKILL button under SKILLS tab to create a new skill.
  1. The CREATE SKILL form appears:
    Figure 2. Figure 2 - CREATE SKILL form
    1. The following fields need to be populated:
    2. Skill Name: Enter the name of the new skill.
    3. Description: Provide brief description about the skill.
    4. Language: Select the preferred Language from the drop-down.
    5. Click on Add button.
  1. The new skill will be created and will be visible under the SKILLS tab.
    Figure 3. Figure 3 – Usecase Design Console
    1. Click on OPEN THIS on the newly added skill.
  1. The following screen appears with new tabs under the newly added skill:
    Figure 4. Figure 4 - Usecase Design Console
    1. Click on IMPORT AND CREATE SKILL button under the SKILLS tab to create a new skill with the existing intents, entities and dialog nodes.
  1. It prompts you to Import the JSON file.
    Figure 5. Figure 5 – Import Skill
    1. Click on BROWSE button and select a JSON file that you want to upload.
    2. Click on IMPORT FILE.
    3. Once the file is imported a success message appears and the imported intents, entities and dialog nodes become visible under INTENT, ENTITY and DIALOG NODES tabs respectively.
    4. Click on OPEN THIS button present on each skill to open an existing skill.
    5. To view the entities, intents and dialog nodes associated with the skill click on ENTITY, INTENT and DIALOG NODES respectively.
    Figure 6. Figure 6 – Usecase Design Console - Entity
    Figure 7. Figure 7 - Usecase Design Console – Dialog Nodes
    1. The Kebab menu (the three dots menu) present on each skill allows you to open a menu with additional options. The following options are available:
    • Export: Allows to download the JSON file associated with a particular skill.
    • Import: Allows to import the existing intents, entities, and dialog nodes for a particular skill. Follow the steps explained above ( Step 11 to Step 13 ) to perform the import action.
    Figure 8. Figure 8 – Usecase Design Console – Export/Import
    1. MULTISKILL on Usecase design enables switching between the multiple skills. The console facilitates user to be able to add skills which he chooses to switch between and choose a default skill for the conversation. The Multi Skill Orchestration includes the default method, waterfall method, broadcast method and the conductor-follower method. In default method there are option to select the skill while in other methods the transition between skills would be automated.
  2. Below is an explanation of how each method of skill orchestration differs and is similar to the others:
  • Default Model:
  • This is the already existing (and till now the only) method in multi skill functionality. Here we get options to select multiple skills in the use case design console and associate a button name to it and select one default skill among the selected skill.
  • In the chat window we get the options to choose from the skill that we saved in UCD multi skill and further communication continues with the selected skill.
  • Waterfall Model:
  • It is a priority-based method i.e., the skill with highest priority would be checked first. If it provides the correct answer (doesn’t reaches to the Anything else node) then BigFix AEX does not go to the subsequent skills.
  • If execution reaches to the last skill and still reaches Anything else of the last skill, the message associated with that node would be returned. On the Use Case Design Console, the user selects the skills and their priorities.
  • Broadcast Model:
  • This method is based on the Highest confidence score of skill i.e., BigFix AEX checks all the skill at once and provides response from the skill that has the highest confidence score.
  • In this method, we select a default skill, and that skill provides us with the welcome message, also in cases where we don’t get appropriate response, we will have Anything else node message from this skill.
  • On Use Case Design Console, the user selects the skills and chooses one default skill.
  • Conductor-Follower Model:
  • In the Conductor-Follower method, there are 2 types of skill selection,
  • conductor skill: In this skill, the user adds 1 skill.
  • follower skill: In this skill, the user has multiple categories to add.
  • The conductor skill acts as a default skill and is responsible for the transition of skill i.e., based on the user’s query, the conductor skill selects a follower skill for further communication.
  • The conductor skill, based on specific conditions, sends the id of the selected follower skill as part of intent and this id in turn is used to call the skill for further communication.

Multiskill Configuration – Default Model

  • Perform the following steps for MULTISKILL configuration using the Default Model:
  1. Go to the BigFix AEX Tenant and open use case design Console.
Figure 9. Figure 9 – BigFix AEX Console
  1. After Opening the use cases design Console, you can find the Multi skill button. Click Multiskill.
Figure 10. Figure 10 – Use Case Design Console

In the Usecase Design console the MULTISKILL feature is visible only if the instance is enabled with the multi skill configuration.

  1. The Multi Skill Configuration page appears. The page lists all the available models. Select the model and the console displays the corresponding options based on the selection.
  1. Select the Default Model and click ‘Continue’.
Figure 11. Figure 11 – Multi Skill Configuration Page

If user selects the None option in the Multi skill Configuration page, by default, it takes the default model for the skills to be mapped for the tenant.

  1. In Default Model, populate the Skills field by using the Choose A Skill drop-down. Multiple skills can be added in the Skills field. Enter the Button Name for the skill. Select the Default Skill by clicking Choose Your Option drop-down.
Figure 12. Figure 12 – MULTISKILL Configuration - Default Model

The Button Name must be unique in the default model.

  1. Click Save to configure the multi skill.
Figure 13. Figure 13 – MULTISKILL Configuration - Default Model (Cont.)
  1. The following confirmation message appears:
Figure 14. Figure 14 – Confirmation Message
  1. Click Ok to save the configuration. The following success message appears:
Figure 15. Figure 15 – Success Message
  1. To delete a skill in the default model, click on the delete icon corresponding to the skill to be deleted.
Figure 16. Figure 16 – Delete a skill in Default Model
  1. The following confirmation message appears. Click Ok to confirm the action.
Figure 17. Figure 17 – Confirmation Message

Multiskill Configuration – Waterfall Model

  • Perform the following steps for MULTISKILL configuration using the Waterfall Model:
  1. In the Multi Skill Configuration page, select Waterfall Model and click Continue.
Figure 18. Figure 18 – MULTISKILL Configuration – Waterfall Model
  1. In the Waterfall Multi Skill Configuration, Select Skills by using the Choose a Skill drop-down.
Figure 19. Figure 19 – MULTISKILL Configuration – Waterfall Model
  1. In the waterfall model, user has the options to move the skill up and down. To move a skill up, click the Move up arrow and to move a skill down, click the Move down arrow .
Figure 20. Figure 20 – Moving Skill Up
Figure 21. Figure 21 – Moving Skill Down
  1. Click Save to configure the multi skill.
Figure 22. Figure 22 – MULTISKILL Configuration – Waterfall Model (Cont.)
  1. The following confirmation message appears:
Figure 23. Figure 23 – Confirmation Message
  1. Click Ok to save the configuration. The following success message appears:
Figure 24. Figure 24 – Success Message
  1. To delete a skill in the waterfall model, click on the delete icon corresponding to the skill to be deleted.
Figure 25. Figure 25 – Delete a Skill in Waterfall Model
  1. The following confirmation message appears. Click Ok to confirm the action.
Figure 26. Figure 26 – Confirmation Message

Multiskill Configuration – Broadcast Model

  • Perform the following steps for MULTISKILL configuration using the Broadcast Model:
  1. In the Multi Skill Configuration page, select Broadcast Model and click Continue.
Figure 27. Figure 27 – Multi Skill Configuration Page
  1. In Broadcast Multi Skill Configuration, select Skills using the Choose a Skill drop-down. Select the Default Skill by clicking Choose your option drop-down.
Figure 28. Figure 28 – Multiskill Configuration – Broadcast Model
  1. Click Save to configure the multi skill.
Figure 29. Figure 29 – Multiskill Configuration – Broadcast Model (Cont.)
  1. The following confirmation message appears:
Figure 30. Figure 30 – Confirmation Message
  1. Click Ok to save the configuration. The following success message appears:
Figure 31. Figure 31 – Success Message
  1. To delete a skill in the broadcast model, click on the delete icon corresponding to the skill to be deleted.
Figure 32. Figure 32 – Delete a Skill in Broadcast Model
  1. The following confirmation message appears. Click Ok to confirm the action.
Figure 33. Figure 33 – Confirmation Message

Multiskill Configuration – Conductor-Follower Model

  • Perform the following steps for MULTISKILL configuration using the Conductor-Follower Model:
  1. In the Multi Skill Configuration page, select Conductor-Follower Model and click Continue.
Figure 34. Figure 34 – Multi Skill Configuration Page
  1. In Conductor-Follower Multi Skill Configuration, select one Conductor Skill by using the Conductor Skill drop-down. Then add one or multiple Follower Skills by using Choose a Skill drop-down. Enter an Intent Name for the skill.
Figure 35. Figure 35 – Multiskill Configuration – Conductor Follower Model
  1. In the Conductor-Follower model skill, the intent names displayed in the following figures are added:
Figure 36. Figure 36 – Multiskill Configuration – Conductor Follower Model (Cont.)
  1. Click Save to configure the multi skill.
Figure 37. Figure 37 – Multiskill Configuration – Conductor Follower Model (Cont.)
  1. The following confirmation message appears:
Figure 38. Figure 38 – Success Message
  1. To delete a skill in the Conductor Follower model, click on the delete icon corresponding to the skill to be deleted.
Figure 39. Figure 39 – Delete a Skill in Conductor Follower Model
  • In Conductor Follower model, we must add the Intent value while adding the Context Variable.

  • The Skill Intent Name must be unique in the Conductor Follower Model.
  • A skill that is configured in Multiskill, cannot be deleted from the tenant workspace. The user must delete the skill from Multiskill configuration to delete it from the tenant workspace.
  • There must be at least one skill in the Multiskill configuration.
  • The skill name must be unique in all the models.
  • There must be Intent Value added while adding the Context variable in all the Multiskill models.
  1. Once the Multiskill configuration is done, select INTENT tab. If none of the skills is selected, then a pop up will be displayed saying select a skill.
Figure 40. Figure 40 – Usecase Design Console - Intent Tab
  1. Progress bar for loading the intents associated with the skill is visible as shown in the above figure.
  2. If intents are present, the list of intents will be populated in the intent table. Refer the following figure:
Figure 41. Figure 41 – Intent Table
  1. To add new intent, perform the following steps:
  1. Click on ADD Intent button under the Intent tab. The Add Intent screen appears:
  1. The intent name can contain letters (in Unicode), numbers, underscores, hyphens, and periods. The name cannot consist of ‘..’ or any other string of only periods. Intent names cannot contain spaces and must not exceed 128 characters.
    Figure 42. Figure 42 – Add Intent
  2. A success message appears and the intent value appears in the intent table.
    Figure 43. Figure 43 – Success Message
  3. To delete an intent, click on the delete icon corresponding to the intent that you want to delete.
Figure 44. Figure 44 – Delete Intent
  1. For handling utterances and intent recognition, variations provide a robust mechanism to train and recognize user conversations in natural language. Variations should be added so the intent recognition system can generalize. New Variations can also be added to an intent by performing the below steps:
  1. Click on any value of an intent from the intent table under INTENT tab. A slide navigation slides in containing the Intent name at the top.
Figure 45. Figure 45 – Add variation to an intent
  1. Add a new variation and submit it by clicking on Add button.
Figure 46. Figure 46 – Add Variations to the Intent
  1. The newly added variation appears in the variation table as sown below.
Figure 47. Figure 47 – Variation added to the Intent
  1. You can delete the variation by clicking the delete icon corresponding to the variation.
  2. Intents can also be edited from the main intent page, click on edit icon for which the entity name user wants to edit it.
Figure 48. Figure 48 - Edit Intents
  1. A modal will open to edit the intent name, where you can make changes as needed.
Figure 49. Figure 49 - Edit Intent Name
  1. Now, select the ENTITY tab. If none of the skill is selected, then a pop up will be displayed saying select a skill.
Figure 50. Figure 50 – Entity Tab
  1. If the entities are present, the list of entities will be populated in the entity table.
    Figure 51. Figure 51 – List of Entity
  2. The following columns are available:
  • Entity Name: Displays the list of Entities.
  • Fuzzy Match: Contains the toggle buttons that display the status of fuzzy logic of the entity.
  • Modified: displays the time when the property of the entity was last changed.
  • Action: contains the delete icon to delete the corresponding entity.
  1. Perform the following steps to add Entity.
  1. Click on ADD Entity button present under ENTITY tab. The Add Entity screen appears:
Figure 52. Figure 52 – Add Entity
  1. The entity name can contain letters (in Unicode), numbers, underscores, and hyphens. Do not include spaces in the name. The name cannot be longer than 64 characters. The name cannot be prefixed with ‘sys-’ as it is reserved for system entities.
    1. Add the Entity by clicking on ADD button. A success message appears:
    Figure 53. Figure 53 – Success Message
  2. The newly added Entity appears in the Entity table.
Figure 54. Figure 54 – Entity Table
  1. Values can be added to an Entity by performing the following steps:
  1. Click on a value of an entity in entity table under the ENTITY tab. A side navigation slides in containing the entity name at the top.
Figure 55. Figure 55 – Add value to the Entity
  1. Add a new entity value and submit it by clicking on Add button present there.
  2. Select the type from the dropdown. Two types are available:
  • Pattern option allows to put regular expressions for values.
  • Synonym option allows to match the text itself.
Figure 56. Figure 56 – Add value to the Entity
  1. The newly added entity value appears in the entity value table.
  2. To delete an entity value, click on delete icon corresponding to the entity value that you want to delete.
  1. Take the following steps to add synonyms to the Entity:
  1. Click on any value of an entity in entity value table to add synonyms to it. A side navigation slides in containing the entity name at the top.
Figure 57. Figure 57 – Add Synonyms to the Entity
  1. Add a new synonym and submit it by clicking on Add button.
Figure 58. Figure 58 – Add Synonyms to the Entity
  1. The newly added synonym value appears in the entity value table.
Figure 59. Figure 59 – Add Synonyms to the Entity
  1. To delete a synonym, click on delete icon corresponding the synonym that you want to delete.
  2. Entity names can be edited by clicking on edit icon for which the entity name user wants to edit.
Figure 60. Figure 60 - Edit Entity
  1. A dialog box will open to edit the entity name:
Figure 61. Figure 61 - Edit Entity Name
  1. Perform the following steps to enable system entities:
  1. Pre-built entities allow users to extract and work on commonly used language references, such as dates, numbers, etc.
  1. Click on the System Entities button under the ENTITY tab.
Figure 62. Figure 62 – System Entities
  1. A window appears showing the available system entities. The console provides several system entities, which are common entities that you can use for any application. Enabling a system entity makes it possible to quickly populate your skill with training data that is common to many use cases.
Figure 63. Figure 63 – Add System Entity
  1. Click on the toggle of any system entity to enable it. For example, the @sys-number system entity matches any numerical value, including whole numbers, decimal fractions, or even numbers written out as words.
Figure 64. Figure 64 – Enable System Entity
  1. You can now use the enabled entities in you dialog nodes directly.
  1. Contextual Entities can also be used with UCD console; these entities allow BigFix AEX to detect user context from the utterance. Contextual entities provide a faster way of recognizing newer entities without explicitly creating them every time.
  1. The value which is annotated in a variation of the intent will reflect in an entity by yellow color.
Figure 65. Figure 65 - Contextual Entities
Graphical user interface, text, application Description automatically generated
  1. Select DIALOG NODE tab. If none of the skill is selected, then a pop up will be displayed saying select a skill.
Figure 66. Figure 66 – Dialog Nodes
  1. The dialog node’s id and description (optional) appear on the card.
    Figure 67. Figure 67 – Dialog Nodes Cards
    • While adding the Context variable, skill_change should be in true condition.

    • While configuring the Anything else node, the anything_else condition must be ‘True’.

    1. To add new nodes, click on ADD NODE button under the DIALOG NODES tab.
    Figure 68. Figure 68 – Add New Node
    1. To see the child nodes associated with the Node, click on Expand More.
    Figure 69. Figure 69 – Expanding the Child Nodes
  2. The associated child nodes open.
    Figure 70. Figure 70 – Expanded Child Nodes
    1. On clicking of Expand Less, the child nodes collapse.
    2. The following actions can be performed on each available node by clicking on the kebab menu (three dots menu) placed on each node:
    • Add Child Node: A new node will be added as child
    • Add Node Above: A new node will be added above the node.
    • Add Node Below: A new node will be added below the node
    • Delete: Deletes the Node
    • Move: Move within Nodes
    • Moving a dialog node that you have created can be moved anywhere in the dialog tree. You might want to move a previously created node to another area of the flow to change the conversation. You can move nodes to become siblings or peers in another branch.
    • On the node if you want to move, click 3 dots icon, and then select Move.
    Figure 71. Figure 71 - Move Nodes Option
    • Select a target node that is in the tree near where you want to move this node. where user will find three options i.e., As child node, below node and above node as shown in fig.
    Figure 72. Figure 72 - Move Relative to Target Node
    • Jump to: Jumps to the following options as defined:
    • Response
    • Assistant Recognize
    • Wait for User Input
    Figure 73. Figure 73 – Addition Node Menu
  3. Jump to: In order to perform “Jump to” on a node, click on type of Jump to selector i.e. Wait for User Input, Assistance Recognize, or Response. Select destination node by clicking on moving point (MP icon )
    Figure 74. Figure 74 – Jump to
    Figure 75. Figure 75 – MP Icon
  4. The source node of Jump to option will be labeled with Jump to (destination node id) after a pop-up message stating that Jump to has been applied successfully on Watson.
    Figure 76. Figure 76 – Success Message
  5. To delete the ‘Jump to’, click on delete icon present next to Jump to (destination node id) label.
  6. Once Jump to has been initiated but needed to be cancelled before selecting a destination node; in that case click on cross icon present on the right bottom of the console.
Figure 77. Figure 77 – Jump to
  1. By clicking on Open placed on each node, you can view the form where you can perform multiple actions like view or modify the settings of the node, add context, and add Response etc.
Figure 78. Figure 78 – Side Navigation form for Node
  1. Click on the setting icon to check the settings of form. The following screen appears:
Figure 79. Figure 79 – Node Settings
  1. To set digressions, click on that toggle button of digression and to set multi condition response, click on toggle button of MCR.
  1. If MCR is enabled, the form shows the fields specific to MCR form.

    When dialog node form is opened for first time, it shows standard form with fields and buttons i.e., node name, condition, add context and response type.

    1. Enter Node Name and Condition.
    2. Click on ADD CONTEXT and ADD RESPONSE to add new context and response respectively. Refer the image below to understand how to add conditions, context variables and Responses.
    Figure 80. Figure 80 – Node Settings (Cont.)
  2. The Intent name must be prefixed with # and the Entity name must be prefixed with @ to match the condition. You can also use logical operators such as &&, || and! in conditions. To save any entity/intent matched as a context variable use the format given in the picture above.
  3. The name of context variable can contain any upper and lowercase alphabetic characters, numeric characters (0-9), and underscores. You can include other characters, such as periods and hyphens, in the name. However, if you do so, then you must specify the shorthand syntax $(variable-name) every time you subsequently reference the variable.
  4. The value of context variable can be any text that you want, but if you want to capture an intent/entity from user input, use the following expression syntax to capture it:
  5. <?@entity_name?>.
    1. Clicking anywhere in the form submits the fields.
    2. Addition or deletion will be enabled once the fields are submitted successfully. You can add more responses by clicking on the ADD RESPONSE button:
    Figure 81. Figure 81 – Node Settings (Cont.)
    1. If there is more than one response in a dialog you can choose one of the three settings that the console provides.
    Figure 82. Figure 82 – Dialog Node Settings (Cont.)
    • Sequential: The system returns the first response variation the first time the dialog node is triggered, the second response variation the second time the node is triggered, and so on, in the same order as you define the variations in the node.
    • Random: The system randomly selects a text string from the variations list the first time the dialog node is triggered, and randomly selects another variation the next time, but without repeating the same text string consecutively.
    • Multiline: When the response is shown to the user, both response variations are displayed, one on each line. For example, if you have 3 response variations: Hi, Hi there, and Hi there friend. The multiline response would be as follows:
  1. Hi
  2. Hi there
  3. Hi there friend.
  1. When MCR is enabled, the MCR form is displayed with fields and button i.e., node Title, Condition and an “ADD MULTICONDITION” button. The pop-up message will be displayed stating that MCR is enabled. By default, the ADD MULTICONDITION button is disabled. Perform the following steps to configure multicondition:
Figure 83. Figure 83 – Multicondition Configuration
  1. The values are fetched and auto populated in the respective fields and ADD MULTICONDITION button will be enabled.
  1. Click on ADD MULTICONDITION button to add new multiconditions.
Figure 84. Figure 84 – Multicondition Configuration (Cont.)
  1. All these fields on MCR form get submitted on focus out. Addition or deletion options are enabled once the fields are submitted successfully.
  2. Click on edit icon associated with each multicondition to add other values to that multicondition. A screen appears with fields i.e., Condition, Add Context, Response Type with a Submit button.
Figure 85. Figure 85 – Multicondition Configuration (Cont.)
  1. The condition field inside the edit screen will have same value as the multicondition which can be edited.
  1. Click on ADD CONTEXT and ADD RESPONSE to add new context and response of the multicondition respectively.
  2. All these fields on MCR modal form will get submitted by clicking on the Submit button below.
  3. A success message appears once the form is submitted successfully. Addition, Deletion or Edit of new multicondition will be enabled once the edited details are submitted successfully.
Figure 86. Figure 86 – Multicondition Configuration (Cont.)
  1. Close the form by clicking outside of the form.
  2. You can chat and test the use cases configured if they are responding as per the requirement or not. Perform the following steps to do so:
  1. Click on TRY IT on the UCD Console under Dialog Nodes tab. A chat console appears.
Figure 87. Figure 87 – Usecase Design Console
  1. The Try it out panel slides in as shown in the following image. Use the text area at the bottom to enter your query and click on TEST to send it.
Figure 88. Figure 88 – Try it out Panel
  1. The response looks like follows:
    Figure 89. Figure 89 – Test Response
    1. Here you can see the console detected the entity @sys-person:Lisa. Click on the blue location pin to open the dialog node that was triggered by your input.
    Figure 90. Figure 90 – Test Response (cont.)
    1. Click on the CLEAR button on the top to remove any previous chat from the Try it out panel.
    2. Click on the MANAGE CONTEXT button to create or make changes to context variables.
    Figure 91. Figure 91- Context Variables
    1. Enter the variable name for context and then click on the plus (+) icon to add value as desired.
    Figure 92. Figure 92 – Context Variables
    1. If any intents are matched, it will show up as follows. Here the intent #turn_off is detected:
    Figure 93. Figure 93 – Context Variable
    1. Clicking on the eye icon opens the list where it shows all the intents and the confidence score of the intent for the input query.
    Figure 94. Figure 94 – Context Variable
    1. The Analyse feature lets the user upload the usecases and its variations and verify what is the predicted intent and usecase for them.
    • The ANALYSE button is present under Intent, Entity and Dialog Nodes tab as shown in below figure:
    Figure 95. Figure 95 – ANALYSE Tab
    • When ANALYSE button is clicked the following screen pops up:
    Figure 96. Figure 96 - Analyze Variation Screen
    • Clicking on DOWNLOAD SAMPLE CSV downloads a csv file which is a reference template to upload the usecase variations file.
    Figure 97. Figure 97 – DOWNLOAD SAMPLE CSV
    • Once the file is uploaded the READ button gets enabled.
    Figure 98. Figure 98 – Analyze Variation
    • When we click on Read button, the data is uploaded from the csv file to the table on the screen and the RUN TEST button gets enabled. Refer the below screenshots:
    Figure 99. Figure 99 - Upload of Usecase Variations CSV
    • If the CSV is in improper format the following error alert appears as shown in the figure below:
    Figure 100. Figure 100 - Error alert
    • When there is no data in the csv file and it is uploaded, the Read button gets disabled, and the table shows the text “No data uploaded”.
    Figure 101. Figure 101 – ‘No data uploaded’ Message
    • Once the rows from CSV are read and the data on the screen is uploaded and displayed, the RUN TEST button is enabled. On the click of RUN TEST button, the analysis of variations for all the data rows starts.
    • The screen displays the progress of the analysis for all the rows of the table and the RUN TEST button is disabled. Once it’s completed the progress bar disappears.
    • On the upload of a different file the READ button gets enabled.
    Figure 102. Figure 102 – Run Test
    Figure 103. Figure 103 – Run Test (Cont.)
    WYSIWYG Use Case Design Console Enhancements

    The WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get) editor in the Use Case Design Console provides a low-code approach to building conversations and dialogues for BigFix AEX. This provides a simpler point and click editable view to create rich HTML and plain text BigFix AEX responses, which are the same as what the end user would see when using BigFix AEX. This reduces the need for cognitive SMEs to write HTML tags explicitly and makes the use case/response creation easy.

    The WYSIWYG editor is the default setting for the Use Case Design console and does not need any configuration. The following part of this section highlights the key functionalities of the editor:

    The default editor, present in the earlier versions as shown in the below figure, has been replaced by the new WYSIWYG editor.

    Figure 104. Figure 104 – Editor in BigFix AEX Releases Before 6.0
    Graphical user interface, text, application Description automatically generated

    Since 6.0, the default editor for any node in the use case design console looks like the following figure (opens in the side navigation bar):

    Figure 105. Figure 105 – WYSIWYG Editor in all releases after 6.0
    Graphical user interface, text, application, email Description automatically generated

    The following are the Key items in the new response panel:

    • Node Title & Settings (Gear icon Icon Description automatically generated)
    • Context Variables
    • Select Response Type

    Node title

    Node Title can be edited to provide a meaningful node name

    Figure 106. Figure 106 – Node Title

    Clicking on the gear icon Icon Description automatically generatedon the right side of the node title displays the following options:

    • Multi Condition Response (MCR)
    • Digressions
    Figure 107. Figure 107 – Node Gear Settings
    Figure 108. Figure 108 – MCR (Multi Condition Response & Digressions)
    Background pattern Description automatically generated

    MCR - On enabling (MCR) Multi Condition Response toggle, the editor changes to a multi-condition editor.

    Figure 109. Figure 109 – Multi Condition Response
    Graphical user interface, text, application, email Description automatically generated

    It allows users to add multiple conditions by clicking on the “Add Multi Condition” button. Here, the response editor is similar to the early versions.

    Figure 110. Figure 110 – Add Multi Condition Response
    Text Description automatically generated
    Figure 111. Figure 111 – Edit Multi Condition Response
    Graphical user interface, text, application, email Description automatically generated

    MCR nodes can be moved up and down by clicking on the Up/Down arrow buttons A picture containing text Description automatically generated corresponding to the node that you want to move.

    Figure 112. Figure 112 - Move Multicondition Node

    The following actions can be taken on each condition:

    • Edit: Each condition can be edited by using the edit icon Icon Description automatically generatedcorresponding to the condition to be edited. You can edit the condition to provide a response and context variables.
    Figure 113. Figure 113 – Edit Multi Condition Response
    Graphical user interface, text, application Description automatically generated
    • Jump: Each condition can be edited for a jump using the jump button A picture containing text Description automatically generatedcorresponding to the condition to which you want to apply this option. Clicking on the Jump button displays three conditions: assistant recognize, wait for user input and response. On selection of the appropriate condition, the use case design console shows flags on the available nodes on the Landing Node screen. Clicking on any of the flags attaches that node to the jump.
    Figure 114. Figure 114 – Node Associated Jump Actions
    Graphical user interface, text, application, email Description automatically generated
    Figure 115. Figure 115 – Landing Node Screen
    Graphical user interface, application Description automatically generated
    • You can also cancel the jump using the close button A red circle with a white circle in the middle Description automatically generated with low confidence on the Landing Node screen.
    • Delete: Clicking on Delete icon A picture containing icon Description automatically generated deletes the corresponding condition.

    Digressions - Digressions can also be enabled using the same gear icon for context switching use cases.

    Figure 116. Figure 116 – Digressions
    Graphical user interface, text, application, email Description automatically generated

    Context variables

    Context variables are present in a collapsible and can be added based on requirement. More variables can be added by using the Add Context button.

    Figure 117. Figure 117 – Context Variables
    Graphical user interface, application, Teams Description automatically generated

    Select Response Type

    SME can select the different type of response which is sent by the current node to the BigFix AEX UI to the end user. The following responses can be configured using the correct radio button:

    • Sequential
    • Multiline
    • Random

    Sequential: Responses are displayed in sequence in the BigFix AEX response in the same chat block

    Multiline: Responses are shown in ordered or unordered sequence in the BigFix AEX response; however they are in separate chat blocks.

    • To use multiline, enable the multiline flag as true.
    • Also use <OL> tag to set sequence of responses

    Random: Responses are shown randomly from the list of responses when a node is executed. Response blocks can be added by using the + icon below the response type radio button. On adding a new response, the editor changes the focus to the latest response.

    Figure 118. Figure 118 – Default Single Response Block
    A picture containing chat or text message Description automatically generated
    Figure 119. Figure 119 – Adding Multiple Response Blocks
    Graphical user interface, text, application Description automatically generated

    Focus can be changed to any other response block by clicking on the number.

    Figure 120. Figure 120 – Changing Response Blocks
    Graphical user interface, application Description automatically generated

    Each response block, when added, has the four following response types:

    • Text
    • HTML Editor (Default)
    • API Rule
    • Webhook
    Figure 121. Figure 121 – HTML Editor as the Default Response Blocks
    Graphical user interface, text, application Description automatically generated

    Text (HTML Tags & Plain Text, Adaptive Card JSON):

    Figure 122. Figure 122 – Multi Editor
    Graphical user interface, text, application, email Description automatically generated

    HTML Editor: Each response block, when added, has the HTML editor type as its default response type.

    Figure 123. Figure 123 – HTML Editor
    Graphical user interface, text, application Description automatically generated

    Refer to Capabilities of Default HTML Editor section to understand the basic capabilities of HTML editor response type.

    API Rule: API rule provides a simpler way to call Openwhisk functions or integration actions directly from the use case design editor.

    Figure 124. Figure 124 – Rule Selector
    Graphical user interface, text, application Description automatically generated

    The following salient points are relevant:

    • A drop-down list of existing rules in the current tenants is shown.
    • An appropriate rule can be selected, and relevant parameters can be passed along with values.
    • The added parameters are passed to the selected rule.
    Figure 125. Figure 125 – Rule Parameters
    Graphical user interface Description automatically generated with medium confidence

    Webhook: Webhooks provide a quick way to call API services with relevant headers and body parameters to fetch a response.

    • Multiple webhooks can be added to the same response editor with new responses in the same node.
    • Webhook requests can be GET or POST.
    • Response should be JSON only
    • Required parameters can be added based on the API service.
    • It is recommended to check headers and authentication using a service like POSTMAN so the correct values are passed in the Webhook response.
    Figure 126. Figure 126 – Webhook
    Graphical user interface, text, application Description automatically generated
    • Text and HTML response blocks have a limit of 4096 characters as the response created in the editor is saved in Watson and sent to the user when a node is executed.
    • For HTML editor (default type) responses, the 4096 character limit is calculated based on the raw HTML text, which might have several more characters than the characters visible in the view.
    • When the character limit exceeds 4096, the entire editor response is automatically changed to an SOP and saved, however these technicalities are abstracted from the user creating the response.
    • Response Type can be changed to other types as well, but the change will delete all the data from the current type, and you will encounter a warning before making the change.
    Figure 127. Figure 127 – Changing Response Type from Editor to Rule
    Graphical user interface, text, application Description automatically generated
    Figure 128. Figure 128 – Changing Response Type Warning
    Graphical user interface, text, application Description automatically generated

    A response block can also be deleted using the delete button Icon Description automatically generated. This action deletes the current block on focus and returns focus to the previous block. If there is only one response and that it deleted, a new first block is auto added.

    Figure 129. Figure 129 – Delete Response Button
    Graphical user interface, text, application Description automatically generated
    Figure 130. Figure 130 – Confirm Response Deletion
    Graphical user interface, text, application Description automatically generated

    Capabilities of Default HTML Editor:

    The following pointers outline the basic capabilities of the default HTML editor response type.

    • The editor contains a components bar which can be added to the response based on the requirement.
    Figure 131. Figure 131 – HTML Editor Components
    • The buttons represent basic HTML pre-built components, which in the background add the requisite HTML code. This allows the response creator or the cognitive SME to focus on the user experience and doesn’t require knowledge of HTML scripting.
    • The components when clicked, are added to the response section, as shown in the example below, where a table is added below a paragraph section.
    Figure 132. Figure 132 –Paragraph & Table Components
    Graphical user interface, application Description automatically generated

    HTML Editor Components

    Editor components are self-explanatory; these components are listed as follows in the same order as in the screenshot above:


    Figure 133. Figure 133 – Heading Component
    Graphical user interface, text, application Description automatically generated


    Figure 134. Figure 134 – Subheading Component
    Graphical user interface, text, application Description automatically generated


    Figure 135. Figure 135 – Paragraph Component
    Graphical user interface, text, application Description automatically generated

    Unordered list

    Figure 136. Figure 136 – Unordered Component
    Graphical user interface, text, application, email Description automatically generated

    Ordered list

    Figure 137. Figure 137 – Ordered Component
    Graphical user interface, text, application, email Description automatically generated

    Card: The Card component provides a pre-built HTML component that contains a title, body, and a button bar.

Figure 138. Figure 138 – Custom Card Component
Graphical user interface, application Description automatically generated
  • More cards can be added to a carousel by clicking the Icon Description automatically generated button. This adds cards in a sequence, next to the current card. The focus also changes to the latest card in the carousel.
  • With the addition of new cards, navigation icons are also added to the UI to move between the cards.
  • Any card can be deleted by using the delete icon Icon Description automatically generatedat the bottom of the card.
Figure 139. Figure 139 – Addition/Deletion of Cards
Graphical user interface, application Description automatically generated


Figure 140. Figure 140 – Table Component
Graphical user interface Description automatically generated


  • When a user clicks on the Image component, a dialog box appears where a public image URL must be provided for the image to be displayed in the image card.
Figure 141. Figure 141 – Image Component – Dialog Box
Graphical user interface, application Description automatically generated
  • On providing the right URL, the picture would be rendered inside the image panel.
Figure 142. Figure 142 – Image Component


  • This option uses BigFix AEX’s fast translation capabilities to translate text in over 51 languages at once, right from the use case design console’s HTML editor.
  • Multilingual connector for the current tenant must be activated before use of this feature.
  • This functionality can be used only once for the current set of text. If the text needs to be changed, the current node needs to be deleted and re-created for the translation to be triggered again.
  • This is not the most ideal functionality for translation (since automated translation always has lower accuracy than manual), however for quick use case implementation in different languages this capability should be used, language should always be validated by a language SME.
  • Not all 51 languages are available on the chat console. However, they are currently being converted and saved as a knowledge repository in the backend.
  • To use this functionality, after a response block is suitable for translation, the user needs to click on the translate component button and wait for the window to confirm the translation is done. In the following image, the translation component is translating the statement “This is a test paragraph for translation.
Figure 143. Figure 143 – Translation Component
Graphical user interface, text, application Description automatically generated
Figure 144. Figure 144 - Translation Component – Processing
Graphical user interface, text, application, chat or text message Description automatically generated
  • Once the translation is complete, you will see the following dialog box confirm the translation of all 51 languages, except any failures, which are also listed.
Figure 145. Figure 145 – translation Component – Confirmation Message
Graphical user interface, text, application, chat or text message Description automatically generated
  • Translation of all successful languages can be accessed using the drop-down which is populated post translation, like in the following screenshot:
Figure 146. Figure 146 – Translation Component – Successful Languages
Graphical user interface, text, application Description automatically generated
  • On clicking the required language, the translation appears in the same response block. We have selected Dutch from the drop-down in this example for our original text.
Figure 147. Figure 147 – Translation Component – Translation in selected language
Graphical user interface, text, application Description automatically generated
  • The response for failed languages will be a default “No translation” when selected from the drop-down. For example, the failed translation into the Hebrew language.
Figure 148. Figure 148 – HTML Editor Component Addition
Graphical user interface, text, application Description automatically generated

Component Properties

Each component, when added to the response, shows options which are applicable to it on click, a list of all these options is as the following ( they will change based on every component ):

Insert Image: Icon Description automatically generated

  • This option adds an image inline or as a new block. Insert an image inline based on the component.
  • For cards, images are always inserted inside the body of the card, above the card title, the Upload Image dialog box does not show an inline option.
Figure 149. Figure 149 – Component Properties – Insert Image
  • For other components, the Upload Image dialog box displays the option of inserting an image inline.
Figure 150. Figure 150 – Component Properties – Upload Image Dialog Box
A picture containing graphical user interface Description automatically generated
  • Otherwise, all the images are inserted inline by default.

Insert Link: Icon Description automatically generated

  • This option inserts a hyperlink in the response, which is added inline wherever the cursor is clicked. There are two types of links:
  • Generic redirection link
  • Custom link (which is of MCT input URL type) can be used when redirection and submission to BigFix AEX are to be done.
Figure 151. Figure 151 – Component Properties – Insert Link

Insert Button: Icon Description automatically generated

  • This option inserts an MCT input button at the required location:
Figure 152. Figure 152 – Component Properties – Insert Link
Graphical user interface, text, application Description automatically generated
  • In case of cards, a button is added to the bottom button bar
  • In case of other components, a button is added at the cursor location
  • Name of the button can be changed by clicking on the button

Bold: Icon Description automatically generated

  • Makes the select text bold
Figure 153. Figure 153 – Component Properties – Bold
Table Description automatically generated with medium confidence

Italic: Logo Description automatically generated with medium confidence

  • Makes the selected text italic
Figure 154. Figure 154 – Component Properties – Italic
Graphical user interface, application Description automatically generated

Underline: Icon Description automatically generated

  • Underlines the selected text
Figure 155. Figure 155 – Component Properties – Underline
Graphical user interface, application Description automatically generated

Move Up: Icon Description automatically generated

  • Moves the component under focus (current component) above the previous component
Figure 156. Figure 156 – Component Properties – Move Up

Move Down: Icon Description automatically generated

  • Moves the component under focus (current component) below the previous component
Figure 157. Figure 157 – Component Properties – Move Down

Delete: Icon Description automatically generated

  • Delete the current component from the response

Row Header: Icon Description automatically generated (Available only in the Table Component)

  • Makes the top row (row header) of the current table bold.
Figure 158. Figure 158 – Component Properties – Row Header
Graphical user interface, application Description automatically generated

Column Header: Icon Description automatically generated (Available only in Table Component)

  • Makes the first column (column header) of a table bold
Figure 159. Figure 159 – Component Properties – Column Header
Graphical user interface, application Description automatically generated

Add Column: A picture containing text, first-aid kit Description automatically generated (Available only in Table Component)

  • Adds a new column to the right for the current table
Figure 160. Figure 160 – Component Properties – Add Column

Add Row: Teams Description automatically generated with medium confidence (Available only in Table Component)

  • Adds a new row to the bottom of the current table
Figure 161. Figure 161 – Component Properties – Add Row

Delete Column: Logo Description automatically generated with medium confidence (Available only in Table Component)

  • Deletes the current column (where the cursor is present) from the current table
Figure 162. Figure 162 – Component Properties – Delete Column

Delete Row: Shape, arrow Description automatically generated(Available only in Table Component)

  • Deletes the current row (where the cursor is present) from the current table
Figure 163. Figure 163 – Component Properties – Delete Column

Some examples of different options based on the component can be seen in the screenshots below:

Figure 164. Figure 164 – Options for a Table Component
Graphical user interface, application, table Description automatically generated
Figure 165. Figure 165 – Options for a Heading Component
Graphical user interface, text, application Description automatically generated

A new component is always added to the end of the current response by default; however, it can be moved up or down using the appropriate action.

Finally, at the end you may see an option to assistant response:

Figure 166. Figure 166 - Option to Assistant Response
Text Description automatically generated with medium confidence
  • Wait for Reply
  • Skip User Input