Multi Word Entity Recognition

Entity Annotation allows cognitive SMEs to label user training variations with appropriate entities, which might be pre-defined or created on the entity tab from scratch. Entity annotation allows for better intent and entity recognition for resolving user queries.

This feature exists under Intent Tab, when Intent name is clicked, a side-navigation opens listing all variations of the intent. In the side-navigation there is a toggle Annotate entities button as shown in the image below:

Figure 1. Figure 302 - Annotate Entities Toggle Button
Graphical user interface, application, table Description automatically generated

Once, the user toggles the annotate button, the UI looks like as follow:

Figure 2. Figure 303 - Annotate Entities Toggle ON
Graphical user interface, application Description automatically generated

The already highlighted words are the existing annotations, and the special characters are also added as a part to annotate entities.