Remove Mentions

The end user can remove the mention/ contextual entity, by clicking on the already highlighted contextual entity the user wants to remove.

When the user clicks on the mention user wants to remove a pop up appears showing ‘remove @<entity-name>’ where this mention exists in entity.

Figure 1. Figure 308: Remove Contextual Entity Pop Up
Graphical user interface, text, application Description automatically generated

When the user clicks on the ‘remove @<entity-name>’ then, a pop up appears for confirmation:

Figure 2. Figure 309: Remove pop up confirmation message
Graphical user interface, text, application Description automatically generated

Only contextual entity (mention) gets removed from the annotations and not the value added in the entity, nor the entity created (if any).

Once the user provides confirmation, the highlighted part changes to non-highlighted part.

Figure 3. Figure 310: Context Entity Removed
A picture containing text Description automatically generated