Default Intent and Entity

Other than these, skill will have some default intent and entities after training. These are:

  • Intent: simpleQuery and example same as intent name.
  • Entities:
  • queriedColumns: all the columns of the table/procedure are stored as values for the entity.
  • Tables: all the table names which are uploaded by the user.
  • System Entities: sys-number & sys-date.
  • Aggregator:
Value Synonyms
Average avg
Count Total number, number of
Distinct unique
Maximum Max, utmost, most, highest, largest, upper limit
Minimum Min, lowest, smallest, tiniest, lower limit, least
Sum Total amount, total cost

  • groupBy: This entity is used for grouping the result. This is an entity with the same value and synonyms are:
  • per
  • in each
  • grouped on
  • Negator: is an entity to identify not and its value is “not”, and synonym is non.
  • logicalOperator: is an entity to identify “or” which is also the value and synonym. It is used for having logical operator between where clause conditions.
  • Operators: This entity is used to complete where clause condition expression.
Value Synonyms
Between Range
Equal to Equals
Greater than More than
Greater than or equal to After, Greater than or equal to
Less than Lesser than
Less than or equal to Before, Less than or equal to
  • Sql_boolean: This entity is to identify the Boolean values
Value Synonym
True True, yes
False False, no

  • orderBy: this entity is used to get ORDER BY clause in sql query.
Value Synonym
ascending Arrange by, arrange in ascending, increasing, order by, order in ascending, rising, sort by, sorted by, low to high
descending arrange in descending, decreasing, order in decreasing, sort in decreasing, high to low

  • sql_string: this is to identify string as value. It’s a pattern ['"[^"]+"']