UI Management

This section describes how the UI Management console allows the administrator to customize the web-based chat UI of BigFix AEX. In addition, the administrator can also manage the image assets for the Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) using this console.

Please refer to the sections on SOPs in the Configuration Guide for more details.

BigFix AEX provides extensive capabilities to customize the user interface that is shown to the end users accessing BigFix AEX’s user console. As an administrator you can easily and intuitively configure the BigFix AEX user console to make it compliant to your custom needs.

Typical change that you as an administrator would make to the system include Color Schemes, Fonts, Logo etc.

After saving the changes made to the system using this console reflect in real-time to the end-users. Thus, due care must be taken while making these changes on a production system, it is advised that these changes should be first made on a sandbox environment and post testing and verification applied on the production instances.

Let us look at an example of what you can accomplish using this console. Figure 86 - Default Web based Chat UI of BigFix AEX shows the default web-based chat UI of BigFix AEX and Figure 87 - Customized Web-based Chat UI of BigFix AEX shows the chat UI after making some changes using this console. Later on, In this section, you will see what and how the changes have been made to create the customized UI of Figure 87 - Customized Web-based Chat UI of BigFix AEX.

Figure 1. Figure 86 - Default Web based Chat UI of BigFix AEX
Figure 2. Figure 87 - Customized Web-based Chat UI of BigFix AEX

Table 4 - BigFix AEX Web Based Chat UI and Figure 88 - BigFix AEX web-based Chat UI explains the structure of BigFix AEX web-based Chat UI and what all changes can be done.

Table 1. Table 4 - BigFix AEX Web Based Chat UI
Element Which file is affected Steps to Change it
Favicon Images/ BigFix AEX-icon.png
  1. Go to Upload File Tab.
  2. Fill Path Structure - images.
  3. Browse image and replace BigFix AEX-icon.png by uploading new image.
  4. Make sure the image is of (46px*46px) dimensions.
Background color of the Header css/theme1.css
  1. Go to Text Editor Tab.
  1. Go to the css folder theme1.css.
  2. Go to class called ChatBotHead change background of your choice of color code should be in #, rgb, rgba format.
  3. Click the Save button from actions button on the top bar. An Alert will come to confirm your action. Press OK on alert.
  4. Click the Check button to see your changes on browser.
Change color of the footer This will be same for all the themes.
Add client Icon on bottom right corner css/theme1.css
  1. Go to Upload File Tab.
  1. Fill Path Structure- images.
  2. Browse image and replace client-icon.png by uploading new image.
  3. Make sure the image is of (35px*35px) dimensions.
Add menu item to the header dropdown


, styles.css and images

  1. Go to Text Editor Tab.
  1. Go to the html folder >> index.html.
  2. Go to UL tag under Header tag.Eg.:<ul class="dropdown">.
  3. Add new <li> tag, then add anchor tag and give a class to it within the li tag and then put a text inside the anchor tag which will be displayed on the UI. Eg. <li><a href="#/report" class="report">Report</a></li>.
  4. Put #/pagename in href.
  5. Click the Save button from actions button on the top bar. An alert will come to confirm your action. Press OK on alert.
  6. Click the Check button to see your changes on browser.
  7. Go to the css folder >> styles.css

In styles.css add a class here with the same name which you have given in the anchor tag. Eg.:.hadderBtnList .dropdown li a. report { background: url(/assets/images/report-icon.png) no-repeat 12px center/12px; padding-left: 32px;}

Change default User profile picture images/user-pic.png
  1. Go to Upload File tab.
  1. Fill Path Structure- images.
  2. Browse image and replace user-pic.png by uploading new image.

Make sure the image is of (35px*35px) dimensions.

Change default BigFix AEX profile picture on messages (It will change automatically if you are change the BigFix AEX logo) Images/default-profile-pic.png
  1. Go to Upload File Tab.
  1. Fill Path Structure- images
  2. Browse image and replace default-profile-pic.png by uploading new image.

Make sure the image is of (48px*48px) dimensions.

Change icon for Print Images/print.svg
  1. Go to Upload File Tab.
  1. Fill Path Structure- images.
  2. Browse image and replace print.svg by uploading new image (support .svg format only).
Change Send button color
  1. Go to Text Editor to the css folder  theme1.css.
  2. Go to class called ‘.Send-fill’ change background of your choice of color code should be in #, rgb, rgba format.
  3. Click the Save button from actions button on the top bar. An alert will come to confirm your action. Press OK on alert.

Click the Check button to see your changes on browser.

Change mic style (changing this will affect mic icon, image upload icon, speak and speak out icon and chat history icon also.) css/theme1.css
  1. Go to Text Editor to the css folder  theme1.css.
  2. Go to class called ‘.fill-icon’ change background of your choice of color code should be in #, rgb, rgba format.
  3. Click the Save button from actions button on the top bar. An alert is triggered to confirm your action. Press OK on alert.

Click the Check button to see your changes on browser.

Change Hamburger Menu color css/theme1.css
  1. Go to Text Editor to the css folder  theme1.css.
  2. Go to #hamburger-icon> div.fill-icon div change background of your choice of color, color code should be in #, rgb, rgba format.
  3. Click the Save button from actions button on the top bar. An alert is triggered to confirm your action. Press OK on alert.

Click the Check button to see your changes on browser.

Change button/option color: Color for option button will be same for all the themes, we can only change their hover state.

We have other buttons as well. For those buttons, we have to make changes to the following classes:

.option_link:hover, .link-btn:hover, .feedback_option:hover

  1. Go to Text Editor Tab.
  1. Go to the css folder  theme1.css.
  2. Go to class with hover state called ‘.ChatBotBtn:hover’ change background of your choice of color, color code should be in #, rgb, rgba format.
Message time color css/theme1.css
  1. Go to Text Editor to the css folder  theme1.css.
  2. Go to class .ChatBotList li .chatText p.messagetime, Change color of your choice of color, color code should be in #, rgb, rgba format.
Change User Chat Bubble background css/theme1.css
  1. Go to Text Editor Tab.
  1. Go to the css folder  theme1.css.
  2. Go to class .ChatBotList .sendChat .chatText div, Change the background color, color code should be in #, rgb, rgba format.
+ Floating Button css/theme1.css
  1. Go to Text Editor Tab.
  1. Go to the css folder  theme1.css.
  2. Go to class .plusMinus, change the background color, color code should be in #, rgb, rgba format.
Image upload button and mic button css/theme1.css
  1. Go to Text Editor Tab.
  1. Go to the css folder  theme1.css.
  2. Go to class .starBtn, .micBtn, .imageBtn, change the background color, color code should be in #, rgb, rgba format.
Scroll to bottom button color css/theme1.css
  1. Go to Text Editor Tab.
  1. Go to the css folder  theme1.css.
  2. Go to class .down_arrow change the color of your choice of color, color code should be in #, rgb, rgba format.
Change color of Title of pages like: Chat History, Conversation History, Themes css/theme1.css
  1. Go to Text Editor Tab.
  1. Go to the css folder  theme1.css.
  2. Go to class .profile-name change the color of your choice color, color code should be in #, rgb, rgba format.
Background Heading of the page css/theme1.css
  1. Go to Text EditorText Editor Tab.
  1. Go to the css folder à theme1.css.
  2. Go to class .heading-container change background and border and color of your choice of your choice of color, color code should be in #, rgb, rgba format.
Back button on heading of the page css/theme1.css
  1. Go to Text Editor Tab.
  1. Go to the css folder  theme1.css.
  2. Go to class .heading-container .back change the color of your choice r, color code should be in #, rgb, rgba format.
Color of conversation name on conversation history page css/theme1.css
  1. Go to Text Editor Tab.
  1. Go to the css folder  theme1.css.
  2. Go to class .con-name change the color of your choice, color code should be in #, rgb, rgba format.
Theme buttons (Color for option button will be same for all the themes, we can only change their hover state.) css/theme1.css
  1. Go to Text Editor Tab.
  1. Go to the css folder  theme1.css.
  2. Go to class .buttons button:hover, .buttons a:hover change the color of your choice , color code should be in #, rgb, rgba format.
Theme Thumbnail Images
  1. Go to chat page on the browser, take a screenshot of the new theme, save it as theme1.jpg.
  1. Make sure the image is of (243px*250px) dimensions.
  2. Go to Upload File Tab.
  3. Fill Path Structure- images.
  4. Browse image and replace theme1.jpg by uploading new image.
Theme name html/ChangeTheme.html
  1. Go to Text Editor Tab.
  1. Go to the html folder  changeTheme.html.
  2. Go to <img src="/assets/images/theme1.jpg".
  3. Change the alt tag with New Theme Name of your choice.
  4. Then go to <p class="theme-name"> New Theme Name </p>.
Theme swatch color css/theme1.css
  1. Go to Text Editor Tab.
  1. Go to the css folder  theme1.css.
  2. Go to class .theme p:before change the background color, color code should be in #, rgb, rgba format.

Above change will reflect on Theme1.css and after making above changes new theme will be our default theme. Please refer below screenshot for better understanding of the above points

Figure 3. Figure 88 - BigFix AEX web-based Chat UI

The below steps will take you through the various options in “UI Management” and how to configure them.

  1. On the Cognitive Console home page, click the UI Management module.

Figure 5 - UI Management Console Link on the Cognitive Console of BigFix AEX

  1. You are directed to the UI Management console.
    Figure 4. Figure 89 - UI Management Console Home Page
  2. The UI Management Console has the following tabs:
  • Open Text Editor - Make real-time changes to the code online without downloading and opening a file on a desktop code editor.
  • Upload File - Upload individual files to update changes in the selected files.

Only html, image, css, or font file can be uploaded.

  • Upload Zip - Upload a zipped collection of files in a batch instead of uploading each file individually.

The zip file needs to follow a particular structure. The root folder in the zip file should be called “public”. This should be followed by various child folders of the “public” folder – “images”, “fonts”, “css”, or “html” The individual files should be placed only within these child folders. Also, no folder or file should be named public other than the root. Also, no script tags can be present in the html file otherwise the html file will not be saved on the server.

  • Migration - Migrate the entire UI from one BigFix AEX instance to another instance. For e.g. from the sandbox instance to the production instance.

Before making any changes to the files it is a best practice to take a back-up of those files. To take the backup, navigate to the following URL. This will download the file in the downloads folder of your machine.


For example: https://one-BigFix AEX-staging.mybluemix.net/assets/js/index.js.

Any editing performed using the following methods will be saved and confirmation provided instantly but changes to reflect on the main UI may take few seconds to couple of reloads due to server-side, browser-side and network level caching of assets.