Non Existing Word Addition

To add a word which is existing in the UK English but is not available in the library, the user needs to enter a sentence where the word is used.

Example - Add word YEARN to the library:

  1. Check the word - Type YEARN in the Enter Text input box.
Figure 1. Figure 81 - Spellchecker Management Console: Add New Variation 2
  1. Click SUBMIT.
  2. If a word doesn’t exist in the repository, it would suggest the most probable word.
Figure 2. Figure 82 - Spellchecker Management Console: Add New Variation 3
  1. To add it to the library, click the button.
  1. The ADD NEW VARIATION pop-up appears.
    Figure 3. Figure 83 - Spellchecker Management Console: Add New Variation 4
    1. Enter the paragraph containing the word that you want to add to the library (e.g. They yearn to manufacture human-alien hybrids, ethical androids and genetically programmed clones.) and then click ADD.
    2. When prompted for confirmation , click OK to commit or click CANCEL to discard changes.
    Figure 4. Figure 84 - Spellchecker Management Console: Add New Variation 5
    1. To verify, re-enter the word that you have added to the library and click the SUBMIT button.
  1. If the word is added successfully, the spellchecker would not return with any suggestions.
Figure 5. Figure 85 - Spellchecker Management Console: Add New Variation 6

You can either provide a sentence on your own or you can search for sentences using the word in various online dictionaries and add a relevant sentence. Enough sentences/ variations should be added for BigFix AEX to be trained.