10.0.9Template signature to support catalog management

Starting with version 10.0.9, BigFix Inventory provides two new signature types added in the catalog customization panel.

The signature types are:
  • Package Template signature – This signature includes one package with auto-detectable version and optional files​.

  • File Template signature – This signature includes one file with auto-detectable version and optional packages​.

Auto-detectable version

In Package Template and File Template signatures, the component versions are reported automatically. The feature is called auto-detectable, where the version signifies that each time a signature is matched, a component with the version contained in the package/file is detected in BigFix Inventory. A new component is created if it does not exist. The related software product version also includes this number.​

Use case

These signatures are generic and, if correctly defined, works with current and future versions of a given software. You don't need to create separate signatures each time a new version of the software is released. The right component version is detected and reported automatically.

Case-sensitivity of Template signatures and signature rules based on package
The below table lists the template signature package names and their case sensitiveness in Windows and UNIX environments:
Signature packages Case sensitive on Windows Case sensitive on UNIX
Template Package Name Yes Yes
Template file name No NA
Template vendor No No
Template version NA NA
Package signature name Yes Yes
Package signature vendor Yes Yes
Package signature version NA NA
File signature name Yes NA
File signature vendor No NA
File signature version NA NA
CIT package name Yes Yes
CIT package vendor Yes Yes
CIT package version NA NA
CIT file name Yes Yes
CIT file vendor NA NA
CIT file version NA NA
Figure 1. Catalog Customizations panel